OVERVIEW DoD Financial Management (FM) Certification program, impact on resource management personnel and the Chaplain Corps. Introduction of new Additional Skill Identifiers (ASI) Learning NAF, Manpower, Facilities, and AF Obtaining FM Certification Army to Jobs FM CERTIFICATION PROGRAM SUMMARY: a. The Department of Defense Financial Management (FM) Certification program is being implemented throughout the DoD. The authoritative laws, regulations and directives outline the requirements of internal control programs identified in the Financial Improvement and Audit Readiness (FIAR) guidance, IAW DoDD 5118 and OMB Circular A-123. b. The DoD FIAR plan was developed to improve financial information and auditability of financial statements. It requires departments to improve processes, internal controls, and systems supporting information most often used to manage assets. The program applies to the DoD FM workforce of which the Chaplain Corps is a part. c. The Financial Management Certification and training program develops technical competencies that ensure our resource personnel have the knowledge, skills and abilities necessary to meet Army resourcing challenges and achieve audit readiness. 2. PURPOSE: a. The primary purpose of the program is to establish a framework to guide DoD FM professional development. b. A second purpose is to provide a consistent, disciplined mechanism to ensure appropriate training and development in key areas such as audit readiness, fiscal law, ethics, and decision support. c. Finally, the program aligns our resource personnel with DoD approved certifications and training that assist with their transition into the civilian workforce under the Army to Jobs Program. 3. BACKGROUND: While the Chaplain Corps has outstanding financial management training programs, the Army lacked an enterprise-wide framework to guide FM training and development. In 2011, senior DoD FM leadership initiated the concept of a certification program for DoD Financial Managers. This program is the blueprint for ensuring that the DoD FM workforce is properly trained to meet current and future FM challenges and to support the warfighter. 4. DIRECTION: We are a well-trained workforce. However, until now, our training has not been standardized across the DoD. Professional development should include experience, education and training, and leadership development. The DoD FM Certification Program emphasizes all of these. Often we ask our people to accomplish tasks and take responsibility with limited training, when this occurs accountability suffers. The training outlined in FM identify, prioritize, report, and where necessary, mitigate operational, financial, and system related risk before it negatively impacts the mission. 5. SCOPE: The certification program policy identifies the FM workforce as military and civilians in occupational specialties or program descriptions (PD) who perform financial management duties. The program also highlights gaps to help prioritize what kind of training to develop next. In short, we will keep better track of who’s learning what and when. We will be better able to focus training by targeting courses that meet the certification and proficiency levels outlined by the position held. 6. SUMMARY: Currently, our office takes advantage of the Financial Management training program that is provided in partnership with DoD ASA (FM&C). For the last 13 months the Chaplain Corps has sent a total of three GS civilians and twelve NCOs to a ten day Financial Management (FM101) course at the Whitman School of Management at Syracuse University. a. Students who perform well and exhibit a proficiency for the course material are later recommended for the Army Comptrollers Couse (ACC) and compete for the Defense Comptrollership Program, a 14 month advanced civilian schooling resulting in graduates receiving a dual Master Degree (MBA and EMPA). b. Comptroller Graduates will be assigned to one of several coded position at IMCOM HQ , OCCH, Hawaii and Europe to name a few. c. Over the last several months, all positions within the Chaplain Corp that deal with financial management have been identified and coded as requiring an FM certification level. d. Our challenge is to continue to meet our Corps objectives in an increasingly dynamic national security environment, and to do it with significantly fewer resources. This evolving picture will place greater demands on the FM workforce to provide guidance using its understanding of the budget process, financial management and decision support skills. * PPEB - The Planning, Programming, Budgeting, and Execution (PPBE) process is how the Department of Defense (DoD) "allocates its resources".
FM CERTIFICATION Financial Management (FM) Certification Initiative What is it? Why are we in it? In order to institute best financial management practices the Chaplain Corps has chosen to implement FM Certification IAW DoD Instruction. Our Corps challenge is to continue to meet financial objectives in a dynamic national security environment with significantly fewer resources. This produces greater demands on the FM workforce to provide leadership through its understanding of the budget process, financial management and decision support skills. FM Certification, what is it? Financial Management Certification is a training program that develops technical skills in managing resources. Competencies that ensure our resource personnel have the knowledge, skills and abilities necessary to meet Army resourcing challenges and achieve audit readiness, IAW DoDD 5118 and OMB Circular A-123. Why are we in it? In order to institute the best financial management practices the Chaplain Corps has chosen to implement FM Certification IAW DoD Instruction.
7T 7F 7Q 7M Progressive Resource Management Model Basic Advanc ed Funds Technician Funds Clerk Course SPC-SGT 81 Positions 7F Advanc ed (Effective Date 1 October 2017) Religious Program Analyst Chaplain Resource Manager (CRM) SSG-SFC 35 Positions 7Q Senior Religious Program Manager Army Comptroller Course (ACC) SFC 36 Positions 7M Master Religious Resource Manager Defense Comptroller Program (DCP) SFC-SGM 22 Positions ASI Level Title FUNDS TECH REL PROGRAM ANALYST REL PROGRAM MGR REL RESOURCE MGR Course Rank Here is how our ASIs align with DoD FM Certification. Positions A one year satisfactory utilization tour upon completion of identified course is required prior to awarding any ASI.