Was Jesus disagreeing with the OT law?
Matt. 5 “You have heard that is was said” Jesus deeper meaning Murder Your ok as long as you don’t commit the outward act of murder Do not hold on to Anger, be reconciled Adultery As long as you don’t commit the act of adultery Do not even lust deal with it Divorce You can divorce as long as you give her the paper Only for actual unfaithfulness. A certificate does not make it right Oaths Keep only the oaths using the Lord’s name Be true to everything, be honest Revenge Its ok as long s its one for one Avoid revenge Enemies As long as you love your neighbor that is enough, you don’t have to love everyone Love even your enemies.
Adultery Jesus said that if your eye causes you to sin, gouge it out and throw it away Should we literally hurt our bodies if they are part of our sin? No, figure of speech Hyperbole We should take sin seriously though.
Oaths In verse 34, Jesus says not to swear an oath at all. Is he utterly forbidding making a promise- such as during a wedding or in a court case? No, again Jesus uses strong language to make a point. Mean what you say.
Revenge The Jewish leaders took the phrase, “Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth” literally. In Deut. 19:18. it is clear that this command was written to judges about how they should punish criminal cases. How does that context change you insight? Judges should give the fair punishment Justice not revenge.