Week 7 Overview Integumentary test After test complete page 68 in syllabus Review homework-oral practice Chapter 7-pages 148-171-lecture Getting ready for gastrointestinal test- use page 68 in syllabus Homework
GI Worksheet Review Name three functions of the GI system Name three organs of the digestive system and describe their function. Name three parts of the small intestine. Spell the names correctly What are villi? Name the quadrants and tell what organs are found in them
What is bile and where is it made? Stored? What is the name of the food tube? What role does the mouth play in digestion? (two functions) Which intestine (large/small) absorbs nutrients?
10. Define the following: Stomatitis emesis chyme NG BaE bolus pc TPN hemoccult Cholecystitis colonoscopy NPO Vagotomy colostomy PO FBS gastrectomy jaundice Gingivitis jaundice cirrhosis (ADD) Cholecystectomy ac GI What is a bolus? What is Chyme?
Respiratory System
Structures 1. Nose - rhin/o, nas/o 2. Sinuses - sinu/o Function: to warm, moisten and filter air 2. Sinuses - sinu/o Function: to produce mucus
3. Pharynx- pharyng/o- throat Function: passageway for air 4. Epiglottis- epiglott/o Function: protect the trachea when swallowing 5. Larynx- laryng/o- voice box Function: produce sound
6. Trachea- trache/o- windpipe Function: passageway for air 7. Bronchi- bronchi/o Function: passageway for air 8. Alveoli- alveol/o- tiny air sacs Function: exchange of O2 and CO2 in the capillaries
9. Lungs- pneumon/o, pulmon/o Function: large air sacs for the exchange of O2 and CO2 with the environment 10. Pleura- pleur/o- lining of the lung Function- protection and allow the lungs to expand without friction
12. Thoracic Cavity- ribs- cost/o 11. Diaphragm- diaphragam/o muscle that separates the thoracic cavity from the abdominal cavity. Function: Aids in respiration by allowing the lungs to expand 12. Thoracic Cavity- ribs- cost/o Function: protection
Function of the Respiratory System 1. External Respiration- The exchange of gases with the environment Inspiration/expiration Inhalation/exhalation 2. Internal Respiration- The exchange of gases at the cellular level
Terminology pnea- breathing apnea- without breathing dyspnea- difficulty breathing eupnea- normal breathing Epistaxis- nose bleed Hemoptysis- spitting blood Ausculatation- listening with a stethoscope Aspiration- inhaling a foreign substance Stethoscope- an instrument to listen to sounds in the body
Pathology of the Respiratory System 1. Asthma- characterized by wheezing, bronchoconstriction 2. Bronchitis- inflammation of the bronchi 3. Bronchiectasis-In this disorder the bronchial tubes become enlarged and distended forming pockets where infection may gather 4. Emphysema- loss of elasticity of the alveoli and trapping CO2. COPD- chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 5. Pulmonary edema- swelling in the lungs
6. Tuberculosis- TB- caused by the tubercle bacilli 7. Atelectasis- collapsed lung 8. Pneumonia- condition of the lung caused by bacteria, virus, or chemical 9. Pleural Effusion- Fluid in the pleural space between the lungs and chest wall Pyothorax- pus in the chest Hemothorax- blood in the chest, Pneumothorax- air in the chest
10. Pneumoconiosis-Fibrosis and scarring of the lungs Asbestosis- asbestos Anthracosis- coal Chalicosis- stone Silicosis- sand
11. Cystic fibrosis- heredity disease characterized by large amount of mucus production in the lungs 12. Lung cancer- tumor in the lung commonly caused by smoking 13. Pleurisy, pleuritis- inflammation of the lining of the lung
Procedures of the Respiratory System 1. Rhinoplasty- surgical repair of the nose 2. Laryngectomy- removal of the larynx (voice box) 3. Tracheotomy- incision into the trachea Tracheostomy- forming an opening into the trachea
4. Thoracotomy- incision into the chest 5. Lobectomy- removal of a lobe of the lung 6. Intubation- a tube within/endotracheal- within the trachea 7. Thoracentesis- surgical puncture into the chest
Diagnostic Procedures 1. X-Ray, CXR- Chest radiological study 2. ABG- Arterial Blood Gases 3. Bronchoscopy- Visual examination of the bronchi 4. Sputum C&S- Lung secretions, culture and sensitivity
5. Thoracentesis- surgical puncture into the chest 6. PFT- pulmonary function test 7. Flow Meter- to measure expiration volume
Common Abbreviations ABG- arterial blood gases AP view- anterior/posterior view O2- oxygen SOB- shortness of breath URI- upper respiratory infection PND- paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea ARDS- adult respiratory distress syndrome RT- respiratory therapist/therapy
TC&DB- turn, cough, and deep breathe HOB- head of bed AFB- acid fast bacillus CO2- carbon dioxide, capnia IPPB- intermittent positive pressure breathing COPD- chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
TPR- temperature, pulse, respirations CXR- chest X-Ray TB- tuberculosis Tx- treatment PFT- pulmonary function test OOB- out of bed
Common Medical Terms Tachypnea- fast breathing Eupnea- normal breathing Apnea- without breathing Dyspnea- difficult breathing Bradypnea- slow breathing Epistaxis- nose bleed Rhinorrhea- runny nose Anoxia- without oxygen Hypercapnia- excessive carbon dioxide Hyperventilation- excessive deep breathing
Medications Bronchodilator- medication to open the bronchi Mucolytic- to break up the mucus Antihistamine- for allergic response Antitussive- against coughing Decongestant- to break up congestion Steroid- anti-inflammatory
RESPIRATORY SYSTEM ELEMENTS (use with your textbook for CD-Rom) Element Meaning aer/ o air bronch/ o, bronchi/ o bronchus chondr/ o cartilage laryng/ o larynx (voice box) melan/ o black nas/ o, rhin/ o nose or/ o mouth orth/ o straight pharyng/ o pharynx (throat) pleur/ o pleura pneum/ o, pneumon/ o lung, air thorac/ o chest trache/ o trachea (windpipe) -cele hernia, swelling -centesis surgical puncture -ectasis expansion, dilation
ELEMENT MEANING -ectomy excision, removal -ia condition -ist specialist -logist specialist in the study of -malacia softening -oma tumor -osis abnormal condition -pathy disease -phagia swallow, eat -phobia fear -plasia formation, growth -plasty surgical repair -plegia paralysis -pnea breathing -rrhagia bursting forth (of) -scope instrument to view -scopy visual examination
ELEMENT MEANING -stenosis stricture, narrowing -therapy treatment eu- good, normal micro- small macro- large neo- new peri- around
Homework #7- Doctor’s Orders Test your abbreviation knowledge- Define the abbreviations in the doctor’s orders. Have Fun!!
HOMEWORK Study for gastrointestinal test- use page 68-syllabus Complete pages 172-183 (book) Interactive CD Complete page 74- Doctor’s Orders (syllabus) just try this page- use abbreviations from syllabus Read pages 186-213 (book)