Joint assessment team Typhoon Ketsana Kon Tum Province See more at:
Assessment teams arrived province town on 1st October, but reached commune on 5th October due to landslides Affected districts are isolated. Team reached the commune after 5 hours mountain walk yesterday + safely arrived Ngoc Yeu & Dak Ro Ong and stay in villages
VIET NAM KON TUM PROVINCE DakGlei District TuMoRong District
BACKGROUND & DAMAGES BACKGROUND DAMAGES Poverty headcount (WB 2006): 58.7% - poorest amongst the affected provinces. Visited commune: 70% poor Ethnic groups: home of majority of Xe Dang people Dependency on forestry: (655,906ha – 67% coverage) and agriculture: paddy rice (10,500ha), cassavas + hill rice (51,000ha) Matriarchy culture, women are already working harder both in the fields and in houses but less voice in community DAMAGES Total death 48 ( highest) 6/9 districts severely damaged Worst affected districts: Tu Mo Rong and Dak Glei. 17 communes of two districts isolated Agriculture ( 80%) fully damaged Water sources and systems broken/ eroded, submerged water wells. Houses collapsed or need reallocated Markets in the commune are not functioning Transportation: roads heavy mudded or blocked, only on foot Schools are/will not accessible/safe by children
Hygiene: Mud and debris still everywhere in the village
The Road was destroyed due to landslide
Government supports Huge responsive support by Militaries, Local Government, Youth Union Provided rice and noodles for two weeks. So far 90 tons of rice arrived at Kontum, 36 tons (15kg/per/hh are being delivered to affected households) ONLY ENOUGH FOR 01 COMMUNE Provided chloramines B tablet? Armed forces are cleaning roads Fatherland Front Kontum calling donation/support Will support most affected households as per Gov. policies (VND 5m/collapsed houses, VND 5m/hh whose people died, 15kg rice/per/hh, etc.)
NEEDS: case in Tu Mo Rong District Three communes in the district are not yet accessible - one of these is thought to be the worst affected. Possibility of long-term food insecurity Lack of at least 4-5 months food relief (next crop Nov-Dec) Food insecurity for 6-12 months: has one rice crop and one cassava crop per year and it has been largely destroyed, hence food insecurity will be an issue for the next 6-12 months Many lands use gravity irrigation was damaged 12 months no cultivation possible if no reconstruction Shelters/Housing 665 households need to be reallocated (15%) 1200 households need household kits (at least 30%) Increased public health risk Debris clearance is difficult also due to landslide Shortage of drinking water: bamboo water supply systems washed away; Women and children having to walk long distances collect water. Lack of safe water for at least 50% households Lack of household items for storage, hygiene, etc. No latrines and no custom of handwashing Many H1N1 cases reported before typhoon Market not functioning: The area does not have a market - instead mobile vendors come only every1-2 weeks. There is a practice of labour exchange.
The house need to evacuate
many residents of Tam Rin village of Tu Mo Rong district, Kon Tum found flat open ground safer than their house. At least six families including babies and children have been sleeping on this plot. Photo by Do Ngoc Xiem/Oxfam
Recommendations – SHORT-TERM Provide food at least for three months Job creation for the poor and nearly poor families at least for 4 months until the next crops are harvested Repair water sources and public health information Support non-food items (clothes, books/edu.kits for students, kitchen materials, hygiene kits for women) Repairing shelters
Recommendations – LONG-TERM Provide seeds, fertilizer and tools to rehabilitate agriculture Building and repairing house Building community roads
Assessment Team in Kontum PACCOM (01), Oxfam International (15), Plan International (01), UNICEF (01), World Concern (01) Nhan Dan Newspaper (02)