With Your Host... Mrs. Belton
Things You Should Know from 3.1 and 3.2 Enzymes Macromolecules GI #1 GI #2 ATP 100 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500 500
Enzymes usually end in what ending?
What is ase. A 100
What enzyme is responsible for breaking down carbohydrates in the mouth?
What is amylase. A 200
What are two environmental factors that can cause enzymes to not function properly?
What is temperature and pH.
What organ produces most of the enzymes needed for digestion in the small intestines?
What is the pancreas? A 400
What organ produces maltase, lactase, and sucrase in its brush border?
What is the small intestines
What macromolecule is needed for quick energy? B 100
What is carbohydrates. B 100
What is the monomer or building block of polysaccharides?
What is monosacchrides. B 200
What is the product of the enzyme reaction of trypsin on proteins? B 300
What is amino acids. B 300
What is the product of the reaction of the enzyme trypsin on amino acids? B 400
What is amino acids. B 400
What is the following molecule? B 500
What is glucose. B 500
What structure in the mouth is responsible for mechanical digestion?
What are the teeth. C 100
What is the name of the wad of food that is created from chewing and saliva?
What is the bolus. C 200
What structure is responsible for opening and closing to prevent food and liquid from entering the trachea during the act of swallowing? C 300
What is the epiglottis. C 300
How does the stomach protect itself from its own proteins being broken down?
What is it secretes an mucous layer and it sloughs off epithelial cells every so often.
What substance kills bacteria, breaks down cell walls, denatures proteins, and activates pepsin?
What is HCl. C 500
What is the name of the substance of food that is created in the stomach?
What is chyme. D 100
What is the name of the movement that allows food to move down the esophagus?
What is paristalsis. D 200
What substance is responsible for emulsifying fat and neutralizes the pH in the small intestines?
What is bile. D 300
What organ is responsible for secreting insulin for blood glucose levels and secretes most of the enzymes used during digestion? D 400
What is the pancreas. D 400
What structure in the small intestine is responsible for increasing the surface area? D 500
What are villi/microvilli. D 500
What macromolecule is ATP?
What is nucleic acid. E 100
What is the energy in the ATP molecule?
What is in the phosphate bond.
What process takes large molecules and breaks them into smaller molecules creating energy?
What is catabolism. E 300
How is AMP different from ATP?
What is AMP has 2 phosphates instead of 3.
What is the product of the following reactants? C6H12O6 + O2 E 500
What is C6H12O6 + O2 CO2 + H2O and ATP E 500
What is the organ at letter K? F 100
What is the liver? F 100
What are the three main resources needed for life?
What are water, oxygen, food?
What cells in the stomach secretes HCl? F 300
What are parietal cells. F 300
What two organs are the most responsible for the digestion of the food we eat?
What is the pancreas and the small intestines. F 400
When chyme enters the duodenum, what causes the release of bile and pancreatic juices?
What Cholecystokinin. F 500
The Final Jeopardy Category is: Digestive System Please record your wager. Click on screen to begin
What are three functions that are performed by the liver? Click on screen to continue
Click on screen to continue What is create bile, detoxify blood, phagocytize cells, make urea from ammonia, screen nutrients that come from the small intestines . Click on screen to continue
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