Meet the Regional IPM Centers


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Presentation transcript:

Meet the Regional IPM Centers Hi, I’m Robin, the developer of the National IPM Database. You may know it as the Crop Profile (CP) and Pest Management Strategic Plan (PMSP) Component Databasing project. We have extended the functionality, so we changed the name to the National IPM Database. I refer to this project as IPM Data for short. We even have our own secure domain name now

Your partners for Integrated Pest Management Thank you for the opportunity to present to you all on what the regional IPM centers are bringing to you on a national basis to support Integrated Pest Management in the United States. For those that may not be immediately familiar with the IPM centers, there are 4 regions - mention regions and leaders What we bring to you today are some of our technology offerings that are available to each and every one of you.

We’re not just agriculture!!! Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is a science-based, decision-making process that identifies and reduces risks from pests and pest management related strategies. IPM provides an effective strategy for managing pests in all arenas from developed agricultural, residential, and public lands to natural and wilderness areas. IPM provides an effective, all encompassing, low-risk approach to protect resources and people from pests.

What do IPM Centers do? Be enablers!! Funded by USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) through Crop Protection and Pest Management (CPPM) Increase coordination and improve efficiency of IPM research and extension efforts Promote further development and adoption of IPM through regional pest management information networks, collaborative team building and broad-based stakeholder participation Help people to know who is doing what, try to get them to work together and help them fill gaps Be enablers!!

Grants Not a lot of money – but… Every IPM Center is different, but there are come themes! Request for Application usually come out in the fall $10k - $40k (Indirects - 30% Total Project Funds) WIDE range of topics and project types IPM Documents Critical Issues Projects Working group / Parnership grants Not a lot of money – but… Start something Finish something Build momentum

Working Groups Get together – Plan – Do – Show impact!!! Brown Marmorated Stink Bug (Northeast & South) Spotted Wing Drosophila (Northeast & South) Invasive Species (Northeast) Invasive Plants in Trade (North Central) Native American IPM/Invasive Species Management (North Central) Montana Invasive Species Strategic Plan - Pest Component (Western) Invasive Species Signature program (Western) Subgroups on Weeds, Pathogens, Insects (Coconut Rhinoceros Beetle, South American Palm Weevil) Tawny Crazy Ant (Southern) Sugarcane Aphid (Southern) Crape myrtle bark scale (Southern) Kudzu bug (Southern) Invasive Conehead Termite (Southern)

Western Emergency workshop on South American Palm Weevil California and Arizona represents more than 90% of all dates produced in the United States 125 people, representing agricultural and ornamental producers, scientists, extension educators and regulators Participants developed a series of collaborative efforts to report new weevil finds, conduct educational meetings, and find additional funding for research and eradication efforts. Avoiding Palmageddon!! recently found in Southern California. Affects date palm and other ornamental palms

North Central Working groups involved in invasive species issues Invasive Plants in Trade Providing resources to address issues on Tribal lands Assist with pest alerts and webinar organization

Northeastern Rural and Urban IPM Signature program and list-serv Quarterly newsletter IPM Insights on the topic of invasive species Coordinating meetings/forums with follow-up promotion National Forum on Climate and Pests Washington DC last October. Almost all of the presentations were focused on some aspect of invasive species. The video recordings are free and available for viewing ( I wrote a summary paper on the NFCP that is now published and freely available in the Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America ( 

Southern LOTS of Invasive Working Groups Technology Support Invasive species response kit – Fast and Free Send Images, Text, Logos, Presentations Use Existing App (SEEDN) Setup species pages/site Take embed-able forms and use them Setup verifiers & testing labs Let the system do the work! Consulting on solutions Also National support through IPM Information Supplement Tawny Crazy Ant (Southern) Sugarcane Aphid (Southern) Crape myrtle bark scale (Southern) Kudzu bug (Southern) Spotted wing drosophila BMSB Invasive Conehead Termite Easy to setup - Zero to limited cost Contact Info and Logos for Working Group Send Images (Bugwood Images) Send text for site List of Verifiers (EDDMapS) Send Known Occurrence Data with Reporter, Dates, and Location (EDDMapS) News feeds to be watched (Resource Database) Vanity URL ($) or within existing site Round 2 First Detector Presentation Pest Alert iPiPE

How can we help? Thank you for the opportunity to present to you all on what the regional IPM centers are bringing to you on a national basis to support Integrated Pest Management in the United States. For those that may not be immediately familiar with the IPM centers, there are 4 regions - mention regions and leaders What we bring to you today are some of our technology offerings that are available to each and every one of you.