44. Laboratory Human resource
45. Entry, exit ,emergency exit displays in lab
46. Eye wash station with equipment and display
47. Noxious chemical list display
48. Portable safety exhaust hood
49. Dry chemical fire extinguisher and fire blanket
50. Hot plates and water baths
51.Displays of lab safety, general procedures
Displays of lab safety, general procedures
52. Safe transportation of samples
53. Patient banding
54. Spine boards, neck holders in wards and ambulance
55. PBTA registration display
56. Blood bank refrigerator
57. Blood bank donor record register
58. Blood bag record
59. Mission statement
60. SWOT analysis
61. Equipment for QC progress in radiology department Could not be arranged from the market. Efforts are being made.
62. Training to phlebotomists
63. In house training on personal protective equipment
64. Informed consent form
65. Define sentinel events
66. Sentinel event report
67. Sentinel event record register
68. Compatibility form
69. List of professionals authorized to administer drugs/medication
70. Chemical spill clean up kits