Stephan Aulenbacher MAGIX Collaboration Meeting 2017-02-16 The Jet-Target @A1 Stephan Aulenbacher MAGIX Collaboration Meeting 2017-02-16
Topics A1 Boundaries The Chamber The Catcher Rearrangement of A1 Summary
Motivation Target walls causing the major contributions to the background!
Boundaries from A1 Parameters: 510 mm diameter of the chamber Hight of the windows at least 160 mm Window on 90 degree on both sides for adjustment 15 degree smallest angle in forward direction Biggest possible opening angle for the windows Opening of the exit beamline 35 mm
Boundaries from the Target Parameters: DN 320 ISO K Flange for the main connection DN 200 CF Flange on the sinde for a turbo pump Catcher and Nozzle must be adjustable
The Catcher/Injection Catcher position Adjustable in x-y-z Direction Nozzle position Beam Adjustment Carbon foil
Bellow to pump connection The Catcher Catcher position Adjustable in x-y-z Direction Nozzle position Beam Adjustment Carbon foil Beamline Groundplate Bellow to pump connection
The Catcher Catcher position Nozzle position Beam Adjustable in x-y-z Direction Nozzle position Beam Adjustment Carbon foil Pipe to catcher
Adjustment of the whole structure throug movement of the bottom The Catcher Catcher position Adjustable in x-y-z Direction Nozzle position Beam Adjustment Carbon foil Actual catcher Adjustment of the whole structure throug movement of the bottom
The Catcher Catcher position Nozzle position Beam Adjustable in x-y-z Direction Nozzle position Beam Adjustment Carbon foil Injection Nozzle
The Catcher Catcher position Nozzle position Beam Adjustable in x-y-z Direction Nozzle position Beam Adjustment Carbon foil Adjustment
The Catcher Catcher position Nozzle position Beam Adjustable in x-y-z Direction Nozzle position Beam Adjustment Carbon foil Revolver
The Catcher Catcher position Nozzle position Beam Adjustable in x-y-z Direction Nozzle position Beam Adjustment Carbon foil Chamber
The Chamber Geometry Windows Turbo pump 510 mm diameter 35 mm exit beamline Windows 90 degree for adjustment 15 degree angle in forward direction Biggest possible opening 160 mm height Turbo pump DN 200 CF Flange
Rearrangement of A1 Exchange the chamber Exchange the chamber‘s platform Place the pumping station Place the control rack in the bunker Electricity support, cooling water, liquid nitrogen,…
Rearrangement of A1 Range of Spec A Space for Turbopump Pumps