Introducing Knowledge Transfer @ CERN Dr. Zoe Lawson.


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Presentation transcript:

Introducing Knowledge Transfer @ CERN Dr. Zoe Lawson

Outline Knowledge Transfer (KT) in context KT; what and why @ CERN? CERN’s KT modes CERN’s technology domains Benefits of working with CERN

Outline Knowledge Transfer (KT) in context KT; what and why @ CERN? CERN’s KT modes CERN’s technology domains Benefits of working with CERN

The electric light bulb - Historic example of knowledge transfer – the electric light bulb - Most important invention since discovery of fire - Modern device is the result of 140 years of continuous improvements and innovations on Edison’s original device

improved quality of life economic growth supply/demand for research outputs human capital improved quality of life new technologies policies/practices The correlation between scientific research and improved quality of life is known 4 major mechanisms that this occurs - Has enormous potential to produce both disruptive innovations and continuous improvements

Maximising the likelihood that CERN inventions make it from the lab and into society Raison d’être for CERN’s Knowledge Transfer Group

Outline Knowledge Transfer (KT) in context KT; what and why @ CERN? CERN’s KT modes CERN’s technology domains Benefits of working with CERN

What does KT mean for CERN?

positive force for societal benefit centre of excellence sharing of technology Main motivation for CERN is positive social good Also promoting the sharing of innovations and ideas

Model of KT at CERN 2 main methods of dissemination of CERN innovations; open and protected Open like open source software & hardware Protected like patents, where necessary

- 2015 data show that majority of KT agreements at CERN were with industry/companies

Based on CERN’s core research

accelerators CERN core research domains ICT detectors Originally developed to run ​CERN document server (managing over 1,000,000 records) detectors

Outline Knowledge Transfer (KT) in context KT; what and why @ CERN? CERN’s KT modes CERN’s technology domains Benefits of working with CERN

KT modes tech licencing business incubation R&D collaboration spin-off companies open source software & hardware training KT modes

Business Incubator Centres of CERN Technologies Austria France Finland Greece Italy Netherlands Norway Spain UK BICs are for small and start-up companies to grow their technology by using CERN’s knowledge & expertise to solve problems & create new technologies/markets Despite being a high-tech particle physics lab, we cannot be in 9 different places simultaneously and we work with national partners to deliver the BICs STFC in UK; access to BIC, 40K for prototyping/market research, For all BICs, CERN provides 40 hours of free consultancy and preferential access to CERN IP

CERN Open Hardware Licence A legal framework to facilitate knowledge exchange across the electronic design community. The CERN OHL was created to govern the use, copying, modification and distribution of hardware design documentation, and the manufacture and distribution of products.

CERN spin-off companies Free software for running a digital library/document repository on the web Document classification, indexing, curation, dissemination Diverse content types; articles, books, journals, photos, videos CERN spin-off companies Originally developed to run ​CERN document server (managing over 1,000,000 records) TIND provides services around Invenio Set up in 2013 and now counts Caltech, WTO and the UN library among its clients

The KT Fund Support & development for KT activities @ CERN Projects must have applications in domains outside high-energy physics Must be based on a CERN technology Proposals are submitted and applicants are invited to present their project to the selection committee Usually two deadlines per calendar year

Outline Knowledge Transfer (KT) in context KT; what and why @ CERN? CERN’s KT modes CERN’s technology domains Benefits of working with CERN

CERN Technology Domains Cryogenics HVAC Vacuums Magnets Superconductivity Metrology Manufacturing & Mechanical Processes Detectors Electronics Microelectronics ICT Industrial Controls & Simulations Materials Beam Components & Systems Radio Frequency Technology Radiation Protection Physics for Biology & Chemistry Testing Facilities CERN Technology Domains

Physics for Biology & Chemistry Microelectronics Detectors Physics for Biology & Chemistry ICT Cryogenics Medipix – a photon-counting particle detector; counted digitally in pixels, allowing images to be created B-RAD – radiation detection meter working in the presence of a strong magnetic field MEDICIS radiation-hard robot – a shuttle that transports irradiated materials for extraction of radioisotopes for medicine ROOT – software framework to deal with big data processing, statistical analysis, visualization & storage Kryolize - software tool for sizing the minimum discharge area of a safety protection device

Outline Knowledge Transfer (KT) in context KT; what and why @ CERN? CERN’s KT modes CERN’s technology domains Benefits of working with CERN

Outputs of the world’s leading scientific research institute Research-developed and experimentally-validated technologies World-class infrastructures and facilities Possibility of using CERN labels for your branding and marketing +44 (0)22 76 79404 - We are always open to hearing new ideas from both inside and outside CERN