Open my powerpoint, google docs, and canvas Open my powerpoint, google docs, and canvas. Name the google docs April 13, 2017. Look at this website. Why was the Silk Road important?
My beliefs. Every student is important. I like and care about all of my students regardless how they feel about me. Every student can be successful in school and life. Every student can behave. The school and all faculty and staff are here for the students. Every student can learn and nobody has right to interfere with a student’s learning.
My rules No talking when in assigned seat. No ripping up or balling up paper. Bring paper and pen everyday. Raise hand to speak at all times and only when timer is on. If it is a noise you can avoid, then please don’t make it. Don’t laugh at people being disrespectful or disruptive. Only leave seat when timer is on and no other student is out of their seat. When in partners, only talk to your partners. Only stay on approved websites. Do what teacher tells you to do.
I will give you a minute to study it so you know it. Bradford, Gavin Buck, Matthew Cardwell, E'Shona Casselman, JaKoby Chavez-Aleman, Marlene Day, Conner DeBaere, Timothy Dodson, Jasmine Herrera, Alexandra Herring, Kelsey James, Cassius Kimber, Daneen Long, Savannah Murillo-Olivarria, Federico Nall, Abbiegale Potts, Nicole Riddle, Zoey Swann, Ethan Thomas, Calvin Thornton, Cheyenne This is the way students need to be lined up when we come back from lunch I will give you a minute to study it so you know it.
. Write your first and last name, Copy this Get out a sheet of paper and head it properly . Write your first and last name, Copy this My child _______________studied the Social Studies guide for 10 minutes. April 10, 2017________ April 11, 2017 ________ April 12, 2017 ________ April 13, 2017 ________
Study every night.
Essential Question What were the thoughts and beliefs behind the dynastic form of government that developed in China?
Essential Standard 6.C&G.1.1 Explain the origins and structures of various governmental systems. 6.C&G.1.2 Summarize the ideas that shaped political thought in various civilizations, societies, and regions.
2 famous dynasties in Ancient China were the Qin dynasty and the Han dynasty. A dynasty is a family that rules a civilization for many years and generations The Qin dynasty ruled most of China. The Qin were strong and harsh. The accomplishments of the Qin dynasty changed Chinese society. Accomplishments of the Qin dynasty were: Roads- facilitated trade & movement of military Irrigation & canals strengthens economy & helps movement of people/military Standardization of weights, measures, currency & writing system The Great Wall of China was built during the Qin dynasty. The wall was built to protect themselves from nomads on China’s huge northern border. To put down rebellions, the rulers of the Qin dynasty built roads. These roads made it possible to keep people from overthrowing the government. The emperor would imprison or kill anyone that opposed him. The Ancient Romans also did this. The emperors of the Qin dynasty wanted to unify the country. They did this by making everyone have the same money.
The Mandate of Heaven is what the Chinese people believed gave their rulers the right to be king or emperor. It meant that the gods had blessed that person with the right to rule. A ruler had to be a good and just ruler to keep the Mandate of Heaven. When a ruler or dynasty lost power, this meant that they must also have lost the Mandate of Heaven. The Shang Dynasty was the first known civilization in China. It arose about 1700 B.C. The Shang people built the first cities. The Shang also produced the first Chinese writing. The longest dynasty is the Zhou dynasty. There were many achievements of the Tang and Song dynasties that changed Chinese society. They are:Improved quality of life Grand Canal Gunpowder Porcelain Moveable printing Magnetic compass Steel Coal Ships & rudders
Study the previous two slides, we are going to play kahoot using this.
Play kahoot using the slides.
Play 4 corners using the same two slides
How did people of Qin dynast unify the country? 1. use same food 2. use same cars 3. use same money
To put down rebellions, the rulers of the Qin dynasty built 1. roads 2. aqueducts 3. pyramids
Great Wall of China was built during this dynasty? 1. Shang 2. Qin 3. Zhou
A family that rules for many years is? 1. presidency 2. papacy 3. dynasty
This is not a famous Chinese dynasty? 1. Shang 2. Ghana 3. Zhou
This is the longest Chinese dynasty? 1. Shang 2. Tang 3. Zhou
The Qin dynasty was? 1. nice 2. Harsh 3. good to the needy
Study the game board
start FINISH SKIP A SPACE GO BACk 3 SPACES What was the Qin dynasty like Why was the Yu the Great famous? What was the longest dynasty Name 2 Chinese dynasties? A family that rules for many years is This dynasty built first cites FINISH GO BACk 3 SPACES Dynasty that built first cities Great Wall of China was built during this dynasty? SKIP A SPACE The Qin dynasty built this to help stop rebellion. Say rulers get leaders from god Qin dynasty told people that must use this to unify country. First know civilization in China
start FINISH SKIP A SPACE Zhou GO BACk 3 SPACES Shang Mandate Harsh and strong Why was the Yu the Great famous? Zhou Zhou, Shang Tang Shang dynasties FINISH GO BACk 3 SPACES Shang Qin SKIP A SPACE roads. Mandate Of Heaven money Shang dynasty
Now we will play the game
start FINISH SKIP A SPACE GO BACk 3 SPACES What was the Qin dynasty like Why was the Yu the Great famous? What was the longest dynasty Name 2 Chinese dynasties? A family that rules for many years is This dynasty built first cites FINISH GO BACk 3 SPACES Dynasty that built first cities Great Wall of China was built during this dynasty? SKIP A SPACE The Qin dynasty built this to help stop rebellion. Say rulers get leaders from god Qin dynasty told people that must use this to unify country. First know civilization in China
start FINISH SKIP A SPACE Zhou GO BACk 3 SPACES Shang Mandate Harsh and strong Why was the Yu the Great famous? Zhou Zhou, Shang Tang Shang dynasties FINISH GO BACk 3 SPACES Shang Qin SKIP A SPACE roads. Mandate Of Heaven money Shang dynasty
Study the tic tac toe board
Tic tac toe board. What was the first dynasty? What was the Qin dynasty like? What did Qin dynasty do to unify the country? Get right to lead from god What did Qin due to stop rebellion? A family that rules for many years What was the longest dynasty? Dynasty that built first cities Great Wall of China was built during this dynasty?
Tic tac toe board. Shang Strong and harsh? Use same money Mandate of Heaven Built roads Dynasty Zhou Shang Qin
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