Aim: Does the Han deserve to be called a “Classical” civilization? Do Now: Which technologies that you use today comes from China? NY State Standards 2 Common Core Standards RS 5, 7, 9, WS 1, 4, 8
Timeline of Chinese History so Far… Shang Dynasty Shang Dynasty 1650 – 1027 BCE Earliest Chinese river valley civilization Near the Yellow River Earliest form of Chinese writing Zhou Dynasty Zhou Dynasty 1027 – 256 BCE Believed Emperors receive the Mandate of Heaven. If they lost it, then a new dynasty would take over (Dynastic Cycle). Warring States Warring States 403 – 221 BCE Conflict between rival dynasties, in the eastern part of the Zhou Dynasty. *This is when Confucius and Laozi began Confucianism and Taoism.
II Qin Dynasty 221 – 207 BCE During the Warring States period, China was divided into small, warring states. In 221 BCE the Qin under Shi Huangdi conquered the other states. The Qin Dynasty was the first centralized Chinese government, ruled by an Emperor! Enforced the philosophy of legalism. Began the Great Wall of China. To suppress any opinions against the Empire, the Qin Emperor burned many books deemed “forbidden”. He also buried 460 scholars alive! Legalists believed that law and order is essential. In order to do this, a strong government and police force is necessary.
What does a Centralized Government Look Like in China?
Great Wall of China The Great Wall of China is a system of defensive walls and towers. It was built between 476 BCE and 1644 CE. 5500 miles long! It was built to protect China from Mongol invasions from the north, though it didn’t always succeed. The Great Wall of China is often called the “longest cemetery on Earth”, as over 1,000,000 workers died while building it. Archaeologists have even discovered human remains buried under sections of the wall.
Great Wall Watch Tower
Qin Dynasty Continued… The first Qin Emperor, Qin Shi Huang, had an “army” of 6000+ life-size statues of soldiers, chariots, horses and weapons buried with him. Each face is different!
III Han Dynasty 200 BCE – 220 CE A) Trade along the Silk Road grew under the Han Dynasty. The Silk Road allowed merchants to trade goods between China and the Roman Empire! This way to Rome!
The Han Dynasty continued… B) Confucianism became the official belief system of China. To work in the Han government, you had to pass a civil service exam, based mostly on Confucianism. *This allowed for social mobility based on merit! Recall the main beliefs of Confucianism! Filial piety: Respect for elders and ancestors Five key relationships: only friends are equals. You must know your place to keep harmony in society. Education is key!
The Han Dynasty continued… C) The Han invented paper from wood pulp. D) Han physicians developed acupuncture to alleviate pain and to treat various illnesses. Needles are inserted into specific points on your body .
IV After the Fall of the Han After the Han Dynasty fell in 220 CE, China did not fall to chaos. Farming & technology improved! Buddhism spread! Why? Invaders were so impressed by Chinese culture they would adopt it, rather than destroy it. V The Sui Dynasty 589 – 619 CE The Sui Dynasty built the Grand Canal, the world’s longest man-made waterway! It links the Yellow and Yangtze rivers. It greatly improved trade!
The Grand Canal
HW Questions Why did the Qin Empire made legalism their official policy? Do you think legalism is a good way to run a government? What was the purpose of the civil service exam? Do you think it should be necessary to work in the American government? How was the decline of the Han different from the decline of the Western Roman Empire? Why do you think this was? Why was the Great Wall of China built? Why is it so impressive? * Fill in your Classical Civilization Chart
Key Vocabulary Acupuncture Shang Dynasty Civil service exam Silk Road Confucianism Sui Dynasty Grand Canal Warring States Great Wall of China Zhou Dynasty Han Dynasty Legalism Porcelain Qin Dynasty