Long term survey of cultural practices in France Gouwie C.1, Dupin S.1 Background Sugar beet technical management is variable according to years, regions and sometimes within the farms themselves. The knowledge of these practices is fundamental to analyze the temporal and geographical heterogeneousness of the agricultural practices and to find their controlling factors. Observing the evolution of agricultural practices allows us to adapt and adjust our technical recommendations. It leads the sector to adopt the best practices for sugar beet production. 1990’s: surveys on specific points Multiple uses and still developing Since 1997: annual global survey Recognized knowledge data base Long history Leading to global survey How do we lead the survey ? Who: 500 sugar beet growers – 70 % fidelity everywhere in France according to a panel When: each year What: all sugar beet fields of the farm from previous harvest to storage of sugar beet How: survey on paper How do we analyze the answers? ITB created parameterized program Each theme (fertilization, pesticides …) individually analyzed Descriptive statistics about practices in fields, outcomes: Indicators Graphs Multiannual comparisons Comparison with reference sources (i.e. agriculture ministry) How do we use the results ? In-company: as reference indicators Sugar beet sector: as multiannual indicators In-company: to guide our experimental trials Research: raw data in specific studies Examples of results Reduction of inputs Mineral fertilizers: N 50 % off , P & K 70 % off since 1997 Plant protection products: 30 % off since 1997 insecticides: 75 % off - fungicides: 50 % off - herbicides: 12 % up Resources preservation Bare soil: 60 days less since 2006 Due to the implementation of cover crops (Surfaces : From 30 % in 1997 to 90 % in 2014) Water: irrigated surfaces from 12 % in 2010 to 8 % in 2014 Air: during sugar beet production CO2 emissions 3.6 t/ha in 2006 to 2.3 t/ha in 2014 CO2 uptake 40 t/ha Energy: Fuel consumption from 13.7 L/ton of sugar in 1997 to 10.7 L/ton of sugar in 2014 While yield has increased by 68 % between 1984 and 2014 Some future challenges we can already note in the survey: 12 % up herbicides How can we help growers manage weed control ? (in the context of ECOPHYTO 2025 : 50 % off) Harvest machinery evolution: risks of packing ? Organization ? Scheduling ? Storage ? 1 ITB 45 rue de Naples 75008 PARIS - FRANCE