The ERNEST PROJECT 7th Euromeeting Florence, 6th November 2009 Maria Luisa Mattivi Regione Toscana Area di coordinamento turismo commercio e terziario Officier in charge of documentation on tourism policies and transnational projects
Structuring the ERA
ERA-NET - ERNEST a European project on sustainable tourism ERNEST project is a new ERA-NET action financed by the European Community within the 7th Framework Programme. The European Commission finances the "ERA-NET actions” in order to develop and strengthen: - the coordination & mutual sharing of national and regional public research programmes - the implementation of a common action plan.
The ‘networking and mutual sharing of research programmes’ is performed by means of a gradual project evolvement through a 4-step approach: 4 – Financing of transnational research 3 – Implementation of common actions 2 – Definition and preparation of common actions 1 – Exchange of information and good practices 3 1 4 2
ERNEST project The partnership (12 +3) 1 Regione Toscana 2 Cité de la Culture et du Tourisme Durable 3 Basquetour (Basque Government) 4 Prefecture of Ilia 5 South-East Regional Development Agency 6 Govern de les Illes Balears 7 Regional Development Agency of North Hungary 8 South West Tourism 9 Danish Forest and Nature Agency, Nord Zealand 10 Generalitat de Catalunya 11 Conseil Régional d’Aquitaine 12 Regione Emilia Romagna new partners: 13* ASRD - Kosice 14* Regione Veneto 15* Visit Wales
ERNEST: WHAT IS IT ABOUT? (the concept) The project intends to approach the issue of sustainability of tourism, and to try to reduce research fragmentation, by means of the coordination of regional research programmes
ERNEST: Time plan Ernest activities are organized in 7 work packages, of which 3 are more technical: information exchange, joint activities and trans-national joint call implementation
ERNEST Work Package 2 - Information exchange outputs: Survey 1 ‘Mapping and coordination of regional policies, strategies, programmes & technological capabilities (best practices and weak points)’ Survey 2 ‘Interregional comparison’ both available on line on + other information exchange activities continue through WP3 (‘knowledge’ cooperation area)
What is the purpose of the joint activities? ERNEST Work Package 3 Definition/preparation/implementation of joint activities What is the purpose of the joint activities? - address global issues - find common answers to common problems - develope common governance principles - address specific common geographical issues - achieve a common voice - achieve a critical mass
Schedule of WP3 implementation September 2009 Month 18 February 2010 Month 43 (march 2012) 3rd ERA-NET ERNEST meeting (mois 12) First consultation process :Participatory session Regional meetings Presentations of the participatory sessions to the territory actors Action plan preparation Circulation and exchanges between partners 4rd ERA-NET ERNEST meeting Approbation of the action plan (delivrable 3.1) Implementation of joint activities Final report on joint activities (delivrable 3.2) 10
action plan - draft (final document febr. 2010) ERNEST Work Package 3 Definition/preparation/implementation of joint activities action plan - draft (final document febr. 2010) experience exchange (virtual) study visits import/export of good practices common methods of participation ‘capacity building’ in the destinations interregional evaluation tools knowledge governance mapping of regional funding schemes definition of j.c. thematic research areas workshop with research centres mapping of research & education offer joint call/research
Coordination of regional research programmes How does it work? ERNEST Work Package 4 - joint call publication month: September 2010 A joint call is a joint activity where several or all of the national (or regional) R&D programmes participating in an ERA-NET come together in pooling financial and administrative resources and publishing a call for proposals on a common theme.The approach is long-term and flexible. Researchers from the participating countries can submit project proposals which will then be put through an evaluation procedure that is jointly organized by the participating programmes. the ‘Coordination of programmes’ works as follows: - Programme owners/ managers agree and fund joint calls/programmes - EU funding only for coordination
In the joint call to be launched by ERNEST project, the funding for the selected projects will be administered according to the “virtual common pot” funding model, that enables countries and regions to pay for their own participants. To be defined in the next months: themes & structure of the joint call (scope of the research, who can submit research project proposals, submission modes, evaluation systems etc). Project proposals will be evaluated both at regional and interregional level (2 stage procedure) by a team of experts. The projects will be in the form of interregional research projects or actions on sustainable tourism. The projects will be particularly concentrated on the joint pillar topics of social dialogue and measurement. However, the financing of joint projects will not be limited to these themes. Work in WP2 and WP3 will bring to light any other areas of research interest for participating regions
Areas of research interest identified so far: Social dialogue partecipation (tools and methods) public/private relationships communications (levels, tools and methods) social dialogue processes legal frameworks Measurement impact of transport quality of life and work de-seasonalization active protection of the cultural & natural heritage and identities reduction and better use of natural resources (especially water) reduction and better use of energy reduction and better management of waste
Areas of research interest identified so far: Social dialogue Measurement key elements: sustainable destinations sustainable businesses responsible tourists ….. + Applications of the European agenda for sustainable and competitive tourism + other areas identified (in the period end of 2009-june 2010): as outputs of WP2 (knowledge exchange) and WP3 (joint actions) activities & confrontation within ERNEST consortium - meetings with stakeholders - workshop with research centres
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….Thank you!
ERA-NET actions Activities ERA-NET may include the following activities to foster coordination and cooperation between programmes: 1 – Systematic exchange of information & best practice 2 – Definition and preparation of joint activities 3 – Implementation of joint activities 4 – Funding of transnational research
ERNEST PROJECT - rationale The fundamental nature of tourism and its related services and production is reflected in all the regions participating in this project. However, they also recognise the need to promote this economic sector without causing irreparable damage to the natural and cultural heritage and environment. Research in this sector is important to project partners, all of whom have or are intending to implement a coordinated research programme on tourism. The ERNEST project is of great potential impact in these regions as it works towards: promoting and rendering more efficient related research programmes bringing in elements of success from other areas coordinating joint, concrete actions which increase value and potential impact.