The Qing Empire (Dynasty) By: Scott Piotrowsky, Tom Mandry, Alex
Background information The Qing Empire was founded by the Manchurian Clan Aisin Gioro, northeast China today Nurhaci, founder of the Manchu state, began putting the Jurchen clans of Manchurian into military-social units.(A) Nurhaci seized a Ming city, Shenyang and declared it as his own capital. As he conquered more Ming territory, experienced Ming officials and generals came to his side and started to fight with them. (A) When Nurhaci died in battle, his son, Hung Taiji took over. His army consisted of Mongols, Ming people, and others. It took about 20 more years to defeat the Ming empire and Qing became a dominant powerhouse. Emperor Shunzhi was the first Qing emperor
When The Qing Empire Began in 1644 and came to an end in 1912 (C) One of the longest lasting dynasties in Chinese history
Impact Last imperial dynasty of China Brought China even more prosperity and greatness Expanded the Chinese control over much of Asia
Hairstyle Originally a Manchu Hairstyle All Han men were required to get this hair style when taken over by the Qing Dynasty (B) Style Long in back Shaved on sides and front Some say it was a way of putting the Han people down
Religion & Relationships Confucianism was the religion of this dynasty Qing Conquered many of its neighbors and expanded far to the west Russia Did not get along with Europe especially in trading Opium Wars (D) Was against the British over trade disputes in 1840s British won and was ultimately downfall of Qing
Rise & Fall Many things led to the fall of the Qing Dynasty: Opium Wars with Britain 1839-1842 and 1856-1860 Britain took control of Hong Kong France Took Southeast Asia Taiwan took Korea Britain, Russia, Germany, France, and Japan began to control trade and military in parts of the Qing Empire called spheres of influence. Many believed they lost the mandate of heaven. Boxer Rebellion-opposed Qing and European Rule Eventually It came to an end in 1911 (E) Rise & Fall Nurhaci the leader of the manchus brought together 8 banners armies and after the Ming let the Manchu into china to help stop a rebellion they took over the Ming Dynasty and established The Qing Empire in 1644. Nurhaci conquered and brought together Jurchen and Mongol Tribes in order to defeat the Ming’s. (F,G)
Significance As the last dynasty of China, The Qing Dynasty ruled a large part of asia for over 250 years. Unlike most of the world foreign powers were not big of the Qing Dynasty at first due to their isolationism. However they were not prepared for conflicts with Europe as they began in mid 19th century and eventually led to their downfall. (F As technology advanced foreign powers had greater access to this part of world.
Bibliography Wu, Annie. "The Qing Dynasty." ChinaHighlights. ChinaHighlights, 13 May 2015. Web. 28 Feb. 2016. <>. "Why Did Chinese Men Wear a Single Long Braid?" Education. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Feb. 2016. "Qing Dynasty." Qing Dynasty. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Feb. 2016. "Qing Dynasty China's Relations with the Western World." Qing Dynasty Chinas Relations with the Western World. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Feb. 2016. "Fall of China's Qing Dynasty: 1911 - Causes & Consequences." Education. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Feb. 2016. "History of the Qing Dynasty, Rise and Fall of Qing Empire." ChinaHighlights. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Feb. 2016. "The Rise and Fall of the Ming and Qing Dynasty Timeline Timelines." Timetoast. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Feb. 2016