“Avant-garde culinary creations - gastronomy, products and technology” “ I think it is a sad reflection on our civilization that while we can and do measure the temperature in the atmosphere of Venus we do not know what goes on inside our soufflés. ” — Nicholas Kurti
MOLECULAR GASTRONOMY Also multi-sensory cooking, modernist cuisine, culinary physics, and experimental cuisine. Molecular gastronomy investigates the physical and chemical transformations of ingredients that occur in cooking. Its program includes three axes, social, artistic and technical. Molecular cuisine is a modern style of cooking, and takes advantage of many technical innovations from the scientific disciplines.
OBJECTIVES Learn how to cook in a new and creative way Know and apply new textures used in molecular cuisine Know specific products to be used in molecular cuisine Know different recipes applying techniques and products used in molecular cuisine Cook and develop complex dishes representative because of their high gastronomic value Design and develop decorations for all types of dishes applying new techniques Analyse and describe molecular gastronomy dishes describing elaboration techniques Carry out and preserve molecular gastronomy dishes Apply molecular cuisine techniques to traditional dishes
METHODOLOGY 3 days online learning and 4 days practical learning Textures: spherification, emulsion, gelification, crunchy Products: nitrogen, soybean lecithin, carbohydrate, xanthan gum, gellan gum, sodium alginate, sodium clorhidre, thickeners, …
PRACTICAL LEARNING Training techniques to develop new recipes Working on food properties and new techniques that can be used for them Full immersion in contemporary and innovative technologies Giving our most traditional dishes a new touch
TEAM COORDINATOR AT CSHM Genoveva Pozuelo TEACHER Alejandro Such: young valencian cooker. As a professional he has worked in the best restaurants in Spain such as L’amagatall de Tota (1 Repsol Sun), L’Escaleta, (2 Michelin stars ) and Celler de Can Roca (3 Michelin stars and 3 Repsol suns and best restaurant of the world 2013 and 2015)
OTHER COURSES AND ACTIVITIES “Cocina en español”: https://youtu.be/AJ4VW-_apM8 Paella Master Class: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rO-_SDEtx0Q&feature=youtu.be Lithuania at CSHM: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NAh9U3jFFeU Lithuanian cheese contest: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0KhtRprWOTI&t=15s