Investor Presentation
A TALE OF “MİDYELİ “ The stroy of “Midyeli” started 6 years ago. The main objective of the project was to find the franchise chain of a business which proved itself around the world but did not exist in Turkey. The most special aspect of the concept we were looking for was that it would be mainly be based on seafood. However it was only available on the streets in the charts. In order to create this project, we went to lots of restaurants in Europe. Among those restaurants, there were some restaurants with Michelin stars or small local non-touristic ones. As a result we found out that mussels which are one of the most favourite food types in the world are also consumed a lot in Turkey.
FOUNDATION REASON The aim of Midyeli is to produce mussels with a “Corporate Concept” which is generally sold on the streets and to provide its customers with hygien’, tested products that do not contain any heavy metals or contain any bacteria.
MARKET REVIEW The amount of mussels consumed in Turkey is more then 150.00 tons. The retail cost of 150.000 tons of mussels is over $1 brillion. 98% of this amount of mussels is collected and prepared in unlicensed facilities in unhygienic conditions and sold on the streets. Only Midyeli which produces licensed product and which has become a chain business provides the demand of clean mussels in Turkey.
MARKET NEEDS The biggest shortcoming of the mussel market in Turkey is the lack of healthy licenced mussels which are free of bacteria or heavy metals. It is used to consume mussels with beer or wine around the world. However; despite the gigantic mussels market in Turkey, there is no such corporate place where people can eat mussels and drink alcoholic beverages.
ADVANTAGES OF MİDYELİ Midyeli is the only company which; Has its own production facility licenced by the Ministry of food, Agriculture and Livestock. Brings technological novelty to production. Emerges in the unlicenced mussels market with its corporate uniqueness. Becomes a chain business with its restaurants, food court and kiosk concepts in Turkey. Has its Re&De (Research&Development) models on cooking styles in collaboration with a university. Has achieved an innovation of producing the first frozen stuffed mussels in consequence of Re&De activities. Achieves to extend the shelf life of mussels without giving up on the hygienic or taste.
Midyeli is the only corporate mussels company with the technological infrastructure of its production facility. The protection of stuffed mussels in a long period of time in hygienic conditions can only be possible if it’s frozen in -40 0C and kept in -18 0C in storoges suitable for food hygienic rules and distributed in cold chain. Midyeli has assured the consumers doubts like «Are these mussels fresh?» by installing mussels tracking system. As a result of the Re&De activities” It is possible to have the frozen mussels thaw whithout losing their taste, this problem has been solved by using vapour techologies in special ovens and then cold storage technique with innovative ways.” The products are delivered to catering firms and chain restaurants both in -180C and let it thaw in the fridge in 24 hours and consume it cold.
THE RIGHT TIME TO INVEST! During the foundation process of Midyeli, our aim was to bring or create a concept which did not exist in Turkey. After opening our branches one by one we have seen that we did something right. The existance of a market, however not having corporate rivals in this market plays a major role about timing. We aim to enlarge our franchise network in order to improve our brand awareness and have a bigger share in the market before there are corporate rivals emerge .
MİDYELİ IN THE MARKET Midyeli owns 3 restaurants and 1 Franchise restaurant. In addition to our restaurants, Midyeli has 2 Franchise kiosks. Midyeli serves at 6 places in total.
THE GROWTH RATE OF MİDYELİ Midyeli has been doing research and Development about the distribution of the Midyeli products in a standardized way for 2,5 years since the first restaurant was opened. This system has been tried in Turkey for the first time. Midyeli started growing after being certain about the completion of the infrastructure of Franchising. We opened 3 new restourants and 2 kiosks in the last 6 months. We are planning to open 2 new restaurant concepts by the end of 2016. We are planing to open 15 more restaurants in 2017. Ve aim to sell frozen and fresh mussels in chain supermarkets in 2017.
PROFITABILITY Midyeli gets the 23% of the turnover of the franchised restaurants. Gross profit margin is 82% in our own restaurants.
WHY SHOULD YOU INVEST IN MİDYELİ ? We think that what made us excited when starting this project will make you excited too and we are restating the aforementioned market growth. $ Suppose that all of this is unlicenced, WE DO NOT HAVE ANY RIVALS!!!