Visual Event Recognition in Videos by Learning from Web Data Lixin Duan†, Dong Xu†, Ivor Tsang†, Jiebo Luo¶ † Nanyang Technological University, Singapore ¶ Kodak Research Labs, Rochester, NY, USA
Outline Overview of the Event Recognition System Similarity between Videos Aligned Space-Time Pyramid Matching Cross-Domain Problem Adaptive Multiple Kernel Learning Experiments Conclusion
Overview GOAL: Recognize consumer videos Large intra-class variability; limited labeled videos Wedding Sports Picnic
A Large Number of Web Videos Overview GOAL: Recognize consumer videos by leveraging a large number of loosely labeled web videos (e.g., from YouTube) Wedding Sports Picnic Consumer Videos A Large Number of Web Videos
Overview Flowchart of the system Video Database Test video Classifier Output
Similarity between Videos Pyramid matching methods Temporally aligned pyramid matching, D. Xu and S.-F. Chang [1] Unaligned space-time pyramid matching, I. Laptev [2] Space-time axes Time axis Space axes
Similarity between Videos
Similarity between Videos Aligned Space-Time Pyramid Matching Level 1 Distance
Similarity between Videos Distance Integer-flow Earth Mover’s Distance (EMD), Y. Rubner [3] s.t.
Similarity between Videos Distance Integer-flow Earth Mover’s Distance (EMD), Y. Rubner [3] s.t.
Cross-Domain Problem Data distribution mismatch between consumer videos and web videos Consumer videos: Naturally captured Web videos: Edited; Selected Maximum Mean Discrepancy (MMD), K. M. Borgwardt [4]
Cross-Domain Problem Prior information
Cross-Domain Problem
Cross-Domain Problem Adaptive Multiple Kernel Learning (A-MKL) MMD Structural risk functional where
Cross-Domain Problem
Cross-Domain Problem
Experiments Data set 195 consumer videos and 906 web videos collected by ourselves and from Kodak Consumer Video Benchmark Data Set [5] 6 events: “wedding”, “birthday”, “picnic”, “parade”, “show” and “sports” Training data: 3 videos per event from consumer videos and all web videos Test data: The rest consumer videos
Experiments Aligned Unaligned Aligned Space-Time Pyramid Matching (ASTPM) vs. Unaligned Space-Time Pyramid Matching (USTPM) ASTPM is better than USTPM at Level 1
Experiments Comparisons of cross-domain learning methods (a) SIFT features (b) ST features (c) SIFT features and ST features “parade”: 75.7% (A-MKL) vs. 62.2% (FR)
Experiments Comparisons of cross-domain learning methods Relative improvements SVM_T: 36.9% SVM_AT: 8.6% Feature Replication (FR) [6]: 7.6% Adaptive SVM (A-SVM) [7]: 49.6% Domain Transfer SVM (DTSVM) [8]: 9.9% MKL-based methods Better fuse SIFT features and ST features Handle noise in the loose labels
Conclusion We propose a new event recognition framework for consumer videos by leveraging a large number of loosely labeled web videos. We develop a new aligned space-time pyramid matching method. We present a new cross-domain learning method A-MKL which handles the mismatch between the data distributions of the consumer video domain and the web video domain.
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