WOODMILL PLAY AREA PLANS – PLEASE HELP! £50k National Lottery Grant “approved in principle” Grant is subject to consultation and feedback – please complete the last sheet Grant approval c. August (hopefully!) – start October/November You asked for Raised Discovery Footpath (stepping stones/ tree trunk steps etc) with willow tunnel, boardwalk, wildlife interpretation boards Sculptures by Andy Frost (designer of Itchen Valley Play Trail) Wheelchair /pram accessible entrance from car park, Recycling bins and new signage at entrance Additional seating inc circular seating around tree/s , Picnic Benches by “the mound” Sandpit, Double Swing (one baby swing) with safety surface, Trampoline set into ground, Boulder mounds, Retention of existing main play structure
Your comments please Name……………………………Address…………………………………………………….. Do you and/or your family currently use the play area? YES /NO In what capacity (parent / grandparent / childcare provider etc) or if not why not? ………………………………………………………………………………………………… If you do use the play facilities when and at what times of the day? Week Days/ Weekends Mornings / Afternoons/ Evenings Number of children in your household aged 0-4……….. aged 5-10 ……….. aged 11-18………. Do you like the plans you have seen for the Woodmill Play Area refurbishment? ………….……………………………………………………………………………………….. Do you like the equipment proposals: Sculptures/swings/willow tunnel/trampoline/sandpit/picnic area/discovery path ………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Please suggest a theme for the sculptures?(Nature(squirrels, frogs etc) / Dinosaurs /Bugs) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………. What else if anything would you add? Have you any suggestions for scheme improvement? …………………………………………………………………………………………………… Any other comments? (Use other side if required) ………………………………………..