Pacific Region Infrastructure Facility 9th Pacific Water Conference and Expo 9- 12 August, Nuku’Alofa, Kingdom of Tonga PRIF is a multi-development partner coordination, research and technical facility which supports infrastructure development in the Pacific
Structure of the presentation What is PRIF? What does PRIF do? What are our current projects in the W&S sector? How can we help? What is the process?
PRIF members supporting PICs Established 2009 Phase 1 – 2010-2013 13 Pacific Island Countries 7 donor partners Asian Development Bank (ADB) Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) European Union and European Investment Bank (EU/EIB) Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (NZMFAT) World Bank Group Brief reminder: Primary information about PRIF for those who are not familiar with the initiative established in 2009. Purpose: To improve quality of infrastructure in PICs – coordination of partners - TA and research Phase 1 = 2010 to 2013 (including PIAC) Phase 2 = 2013 to 2016 (under single PCO) Phase 3 = 2016 to 2019 7 donor partners includes EU + EIB Represents most major development partners excluding USA, China
PRIF Coordination Office PRIF is a multi-development partner coordination, research and technical facility Main objective is to strengthen the capacity within PICs to plan, manage and maintain infrastructure for improved service delivery We support infrastructure development in the Pacific by providing: Technical Assistance Knowledge Products Coordination Support to PRIF partners - SWG Based in Sydney at the ADB Office
Thematic focus areas in Phase 3 workplan Strategic Infrastructure Planning Infrastructure Maintenance Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Sector Projects Cross-Cutting Issues Fostering Private Sector Participation Capacity Building Engagement with Regional Organisations
Technical Assistance - Highlights – Research / M&E
WATER & SANITATION – Technical Assistance FSM – PUC Strategic Review for Sewerage and Water Supply Strategic review of the PUC’s technical performance. Strategic review of the PUC’s water operations and scope actions required to: (1) improve coverage of water and access to sanitation solutions in the most efficient and sustainable way; and, (2) provide recommendations to address ongoing water leakage/loss and infiltration/inflow problems within the existing water supply and sewerage networks. Fiji – WAF Tariff and Financial Strategic Review Strategic review of WAF’s financial management and scope future actions required to improve financial sustainability and reduce reliance on government subsidy. The TA will be undertaken in three key phases: (1) review of existing situation, needs and challenges; (2) development of expenditure forecast and financial model; and (3) preparation of a strategy and action plan.
WATER & SANITATION – Technical Assistance Kiribati – PUB Utility Reform Worked closely with the working group – GOK, PUB, PCO, ADB, WB, DFAT, NZMFAT to conduct the project in two stages: Stage 1 – analysis, performance improvement plan and assessment and comparison of institutional options for a medium term reform plan - Finalised Stage 2 – options specification and recommendation Regional – Review of the 2013 Benchmarking Gap Analysis Determine the extent to which the 2013 Benchmarking Gap Analysis has been useful in triggering follow-up actions and measureable improvements in utility services. The review will focus on three utilities and carry out an in-depth review focusing on the experience of these utilities in improving services vis-a vis the previously identified gaps and arrive at factors that were influential (in a positive or negative sense), bringing in the political and economic context surrounding each utility.
WATER & SANITATION – Knowledge Products Sustainable Sanitation Options Identify and assess appropriate and sustainable sanitation solutions to improve household sanitation and waste water management in PICs and explore the technical and institutional challenges to provide access to improved sanitation – regional study with country analysis developed for Fiji, Kiribati, Tonga, and Solomon Islands Simplified On-site Sanitation Options decision Support Tool Improving Water Affordability Analyze financial and operational performance of water and wastewater utilities and customer’s attitudes towards paying for water of customers in selected utilities. Evidence-based analytical framework with guidelines for policy makers for setting appropriate tariffs for water and wastewater and related services in the Pacific Region – regional focus with country study developed for Solomon Islands and FSM
What is the process to request PRIF support? Technical Assistance Identified by PIC institution and/or PRIF partners – missions/conferences PIC government requests PRIF assistance PCO works with government staff to develop a project concept note Concept Note is tabled at the PRIF Management Committee Meeting for approval PCO acts as executing and implementing agency – working together with other key stakeholders
What is the process to request PRIF support? Research and Knowledge Products Identified by Sector Working Groups, regional organisations such as PWWA, PPA, SPC, PIFs, PFTAC), PRIF Coordination Office, PRIF management Committee PCO works with agencies to develop a research concept note Concept Note is tabled at the PRIF Management Committee Meeting for approval PCO acts as executing and implementing agency – working together with other key stakeholders
We look forward to working with you! Thank you very much