UCCP Jesus Palacios, Joseph Rodriguez, Kyle Momper
Significant Figures Significant Figures is the rules to reporting the correct amount of numbers in a calculation or measurement if the number has a decimal, start to the left with first nonzero digit If the number doesn’t have a decimal, start to the right with the first nonzero digit When adding/subtracting numbers find the number with the fewest decimal places and report your answer with the same amount When multiplying/dividing numbers find the number with the fewest significant figures and report your answer with the same amount Ex: 9.67 + 8.1 = 17.8 Ex: .456 x 11.302 = 5.15
The distinctions between Accuracy and Precision and between Systematic and Random Error: Accuracy is how close to the actual value your individual values are, and precision is how close your values are to each other. Systematic error is when your values are either ALL above, or ALL below the actual value, and is usually because either an instrument isn’t properly calibrated or someone can’t read their instruments properly. Random error is a common occurrence where some values are higher and some are lower than the actual value, and always happens, though to what extent is usually based on the measurer and instrument calibration.
Questions When should I use significant figures in my chemistry class? What’s an easy way to remember how to differentiate precision from accuracy?