Polar Bear By: Mattias Camalich
What a Polar Bear Looks Like: They have a thick layer of body fat and water-repellent coat that isolates them from cold air and water.
Three characteristics of a Polar Bear They hold their hind legs flat like a rudder, spend 50% of time hunting and they’re the biggest land predator.
Number of population for a Polar Bear. 22,000 to 31,000
What a Polar Bear eats Their diet mainly consists of Ringed and Bearded seals
Why the Polar Bear is endangered The Polar Bear is endangered because of ongoing potential loss of their sea ice habitat resulting from climate change, Polar Bears where listed as a threated species in the US, under the endangered species act in May 2008.
Their habitat Arctic sea ice and polar regions. The Arctic’s summer ice appears to have hit the lowest extent of the year, putting pressure on the regions diverse wildlife.
How the polar bear is being protected People at WWF are trying to conserve the ice
What can we do to help Polar Bears We can help sick Polar Bears
Fun facts about Polar Bears Scientific name: Ursus Maritimus Weight: 800 – 1,300 pounds Length: 6 – 9 feet Habitat: Arctic sea ice