Netsilik or Netsilingmiut People
Netsilik or Netsilingmiut Traditional life Historical experience Contemporary challenges
Hudson Bay caribou salmon Netsilingmiut John Ross Names and Terms Hudson Bay caribou salmon Netsilingmiut John Ross whalers gill net snowmobile soapstone Inunnaqtan
Inuit people who live on the Arctic coast of Canada west of Hudson Bay Traditional Life Inuit people who live on the Arctic coast of Canada west of Hudson Bay lived in small shifting family groups with simple non-hierarchical social organization hunted for seal, caribou, muskoxen and polar bear fished for salmon, trout, and char Netsilingmiut spoke a dialect of Inuktitut fashioned tools from caribou antler
Historical Developments 1829 British John Ross Expedition traded furs with whalers and explorers; adopted outside trade goods introduction of gun changed cooperative hunting practices and the sharing of harvest; gill net increased harvests Protestant missionaries in 1876; Catholic impact after 1930s snowmobiles replaced dog-sleds; trapping ceased in 1980s due to environmentalist pressures
Contemporary Challenges economy shifted to tourism and soapstone carved artworks dependence on support from the outside (government) preservation of culture through emphasis of “true inuit way” or inunnaqtun; self-imagery and ethnic symbol pressures from the outside world: English, education, and the internet climate change and the impact on sea ice