Lathrop Intermediate School Home of the Spartans Grades 6th, 7th and 8th College Prep Lesson Tuesday, August 30, 2016 Respect Responsibility Safety
Objectives Access for All – 1:1 Chromebook Program Are you eligible to “take home a Chromebook”? What can you do to meet the requirements? Ignition Completion Opportunity Exploring Extra-curricular programs at Lathrop Clubs ASB Yearbook Learning about SPTA Learning about School Site Council (SSC) MAP Assessment Reminder Respect Responsibility Safety
Access for All – 1:1 Chromebook Program What is Access for All – 1:1 Chromebook Program? A program that brings access to internet information and curriculum to all students via Chromebook issuance. 1:1 Chromebook Program is designed to provide students with access to information Is this program available for all students? Yes, 1:1 Chromebook Program is a privilege at Lathrop Intermediate School. Yes, 1:1 Chromebook Program is designed to provide all students opportunities to extend their learning opportunities beyond the classroom and outside of school hours. 1:1 Chromebook Program is brought to all students for educational purposes only. Respect Responsibility Safety
Access for All 1:1 Chromebook Program Are you eligible to “take home a Chromebook”? If your College Prep Teacher will let you take home a Chromebook if he/she has the following items checked off: MDA – Mobile Device Authorization TUP – Technology User Policy MCF – Media Consent Form IGN – Ignition If you need a form to complete the requirement, your College Prep Teacher will have the form provided to you. If you need the form in Spanish, please visit Counseling Center Respect Responsibility Safety
Access for All 1:1 Chromebook Program What can you do to meet the requirements? Complete the following criteria MDA – Mobile Device Authorization TUP – Technology User Policy MCF – Media Consent Form IGN – Ignition Then your College Prep Teacher will let you take home a Chromebook Respect Responsibility Safety
Access for All – 1:1 Chromebook Program SAUSD Mobile Device Authorized Use Policy This document will explain the responsibility of Student and Parents The following items need to be read and initialed by both parents and students: Expectations Appropriate Use Security Equipment Care Safety Compliance with Children’s Internet Protection Act 2001 (CIPA) Student/Parent Responsibility Restricted Use Parents must check the correct box in order to allow each student to bring home their assigned Chromebook “My child can bring the mobile device home, and I understand that I am responsible for the device.” Respect Responsibility Safety
This document will allow you to use technology in school such as Access for All – 1:1 Chromebook Program SAUSD Student Technology Use Policy This document will allow you to use technology in school such as Internet Computers Chromebooks Cameras, etc. Respect Responsibility Safety
Access for All – 1:1 Chromebook Program SAUSD Media Consent Form With parental consent, this document allows for you to appear on school social media such as School website School Facebook @Lathrop-Intermediate School Twitter @nata_shinn Respect Responsibility Safety
Chromebook Insurance Information It is mandatory to purchase insurance for your Chromebook. If you need help filling out the document or calling insurance, please have your parent contact Ms. Ramirez, Parent Liaison Parent Center, Room 102 714-285-2002 Respect Responsibility Safety
Chromebook Insurance Information Let’s analyze the Cost of Insurance for the entire school year vs. the Cost of Repair/Replacement of parts or Chromebooks. Types of Coverage Cost of Insurance Cost without Insurance Damaged Chromebook $44.30 $300 Lost Chromebook Damaged Screen $50 Damage Key(s) $60 Damaged case $70 Is it more cost effective to purchase an insurance policy? Why? Or Why not? Respect Responsibility Safety
Now let’s take a look at each student on my College Prep Roster This is what each College Prep Teacher is working on right now: Check off the “IGN” column for any students who had finished the Ignition Modules If “MDA, “TUP”, “MCF”, and “IGN” are all checked off, please let the student take home the Chromebook. In the case that a student has not yet been issued a Chromebook, yet all columns have been checked off, please email Ms. Cook with this information and CC Ms. Shin. If one area is missing, please provide the relevant documents for parent/student signatures. Keep the hard copy of your roster Continue to ask students for paperwork, ensure that is completed, and document accordingly on your roster. All paperwork will be submitted to Ms. Shin on Thursday, September 1, 2016 by 4:00 p.m. Any questions, please call Ms. Shin.
ASB Associated Student Body Go Spartans! ASB Associated Student Body
What is ASB? ASB stands for Associated Student Body We plan fun and exciting activities for the school like: Dances Lunchtime activities Candy grams We meet on Mondays after school in Room 107
What ASB Students Do: ASB students are responsible and come to EVERY single meeting and school event They make sure to always get school work done first They are good role models and leaders in the school They decorate for dances, setup lunchtime activities, make posters, organize events, and most of all…have fun!
At the end of last year, almost every student participated in an election and voted for ASB officers.
Meet your 2016-2017 ASB Officers!
Treasurer Juan Carreon 7th Grade
Secretary Samantha Garcia 8th Grade
Vice President Sebastian Ascencio 8th Grade
President Edith Alvarez 8th Grade
And the ASB advisors… Ms. Helstrom and Ms And the ASB advisors… Ms. Helstrom and Ms. Phillips (Along with help from Mr. Palermo )
How to get involved… Unfortunately, ASB is a club that fills VERY quickly. If you are interested in joining, you can talk to Ms. Helstrom and Ms. Phillips to be put on the waiting list in case some students drop out We do have room for a few new 6th grade students who were talked to at the 6th grade bootcamp
We always welcome new ideas We always welcome new ideas. If you ever have ideas, concerns, or questions… Feel free to talk to one of the ASB officers or ASB advisors about anything!
Stay tuned to hear announcements from ASB about dances, lunchtime activities and fun events in the near future.
Looking for 2016-2017 Yearbook Staff Members! Students of all grade levels are invited to join the 2016-2017 Lathrop Yearbook staff! If you have a love or interest for photography, Yearbook is the club for you! The Lathrop Yearbook represents the visual and verbal STORY of one school year in a responsible and creative way. Meetings: Every Tuesday 2:30-3:30 (and select weekends for school events) How to sign up: Attend the first meeting (Tuesday, 8/30, 2:30 in room 218) to receive an application. Spots are limited! Advisor: Ms. Wolff, Room 218 Please see Ms. Wolff in room 218 with any questions!
What you get to do as a Yearbook Staff Member: Learn to use digital cameras Take photos of Spartan Scholars during the school day Attend major events Learn to use new technology to design a yearbook page Publish your work Interview staff and students Use leadership skills Represent Lathrop in a positive light Be closely involved in the Lathrop community
Student-Parent-Teacher-Administrator Agreement This is Lathrop’s Student-Parent-Teacher-Administrator Agreement for this school year. Today, your teacher will be reviewing with you your expectations as a student. Respect Responsibility Safety
SPTA-Agreement-Student Expectations As a student I pledge to: Properly use the Chromebook for academic purposes. Discuss with my parents what I am learning in school. Follow the Code of Student Conduct. Ask my teacher questions when I don’t understand something. Go to my public or school library at least once a week. Limit my TV watching and read books instead. Do my homework and study in and out of class. Do my best in everything I do, including school assignments. Bring proper materials (books, paper, pencils and Chromebook). Be respectful, responsible and safe. ______________ Student Signature Your teacher will review each of these items with you today. Make sure that you have reviewed each item, and understand these expectations. *Please share this with your parents tonight! Respect Responsibility Safety
SPTA on Lathrop Website On the Lathrop Intermediate School Website, the SPTA is available in both English and Spanish. Now, visit the website, and find the SPTA agreements: >>Parents>>Title I>>Student-Parent-Teacher-Administrator Agreement-English >>Parents>>Title I>>Student-Parent-Teacher-Administrator Agreement-Spanish(Acuerdo entre Alumnos, Padres, Maestros y Directores) *Please share this with your parents tonight! Respect Responsibility Safety
Parent Involvement Policy 2016-2017 On the Lathrop Intermediate School Website, the Parent Involvement Policy is available in both English and Spanish. Now, visit the website, and find the Parent Involvment Policy: >>Parents>>Title I>> 2016-2017_Parent_Involvement_Policy /Norma de participación para padres de la Escuela Intermedia Lathrop Read this with a partner, and ask your teacher if you have any questions. *Next, please share this with your parents tonight! Respect Responsibility Safety
Important Announcement: MAP Testing MAP Assessments will be given 3 times per school year: September, January and June. You will take assessments in these 3 subject areas: Mathematics Reading Language Usage The first MAP assessments will be given on: September 7, September 8 and September 9 Respect Responsibility Safety
School Site Council: New Members Needed! What is School Site Council? The School Site Council is an elected leadership group at each school site whose purpose is to coordinate the supplemental funding while monitoring student academic progress and achievement. This is done primarily through the development of the SPSA. Elected leadership group: this means that elections must take place to vote for members; parents will vote for parent members, students will vote for students members and teachers/staff will vote for teacher/staff members. Coordinate the supplemental funding: this means that the members will help decide how some of the money received by the school will be spent. Monitoring student academic progress and achievement: this means that before they decide how money is spent, the members must look at students’ academic progress and achievement, using data from sources like SBAC, MAP, DWA, Lexile Levels to make sure the money is spent to help students continue to grow academically. SPSA: The SPSA is the Single Plan for Student Achievement, where the school describes the programs and resources it is using to help support students’ academic growth Students who are interested in participating in School Site Council, please use the link below: Respect Responsibility Safety
If Time Allows Students you have access to the following online program that is supported by the Chromebook myOn – online reading library CCGI – plan your College & Career account If you have additional time during CP period, log in to one of those programs and learn more. Respect Responsibility Safety
PM 11-Min CP At this time, any students who did not meet the criteria of “taking home a Chromebook” will need to return the Chromebook to CP Teacher Any students who have ALL FOUR criteria checked off will be able to take home a Chromebook today, Tuesday, August 30, 2016. Any questions, please call Ms. Shin Respect Responsibility Safety