Level 1 Childcare Sharon Thompson Online Submission of Work Assessment Method
Student Benefits Upload tasks and assignment instructions onto Blackboard-good development of IT skills. You can set tasks to be read/completed in order using adaptive release. Once students have completed the tasks and reading materials they can submit the assignment online by uploading the document. Supporting students who finish tasks early. Can be accessed from home, no need for paper copies-reducing paperwork and student printing credits.
Manage tasks online
Click on adaptive release to prioritise order of viewing (once documents is uploaded
Set instructions for submissions
Uploading documents
Tutor benefits Reduces paperwork and losing marking. Can be marked online and students can access feedback, reducing paper feedback sheets. Multiple submissions if needed. Checks spelling and grammar automatically. Checks plagiarism. Submissions are tracked and dated for hand in deadlines.
Grading You can access all work submitted by checking work that needs marking . You can then review all work submitted and marked in the full grade centre for tracking and monitoring.
Marking and Assessment You can mark the students work directly onto the system here →
Grade Centre