Solenoidal magnet. The status of manufacture, forthcoming works
Structure of the work
First milestone is done! Working documentation of equipment Finished by signing of Intermediate work progress report according to the Contract
Nominal magnetic field Increasing from 0.50 T up to 0.57 T Suspension system verification
Up-to-date status A copper hollow conductor for trim coils is delivered to the ASG. The next trip will need to receive a copy of the act of his entrance control. Superconducting wire ordered. His first batch will be produced, roughly, in late April (in May) 2017. Shells of cold mass. At the moment, the issues of transportation of thin shells are being worked out - it is necessary to develop a transport device that will be simultaneously used for fur. Processing. The first shell should be delivered to ASG in July-August. Aluminum forgings - the contract is signed Machining of forgings - the contract is signed Purchase / manufacture of winding unit assemblies - the contract has been signed, some of the units have been made (showed photos of the finished turntable, thrust bearing with the drive and the strapping design)
Upcoming works The beginning of the winding of the first superconducting coil is the beginning of September. Cryostat and thermal shield. There are three potential producers, negotiations are underway, but the manufacturing contract has not yet been signed. At the moment this is not a critical issue. Control Dewar - the contract is not signed, there are potential manufacturers, including ILK Dresden. The most preferable option is the manufacture of a control dewar with simultaneous cold tests, including current tests of the current leads.
Thank you for your attention!