Applying to University
OSSD Requirements + Transcript 30 credits Literacy Requirement 40 Community Service Hours (to be submitted ASAP) Updated and accurate transcript? Confirm that you are enrolled in or have already completed specific prerequisite courses for your University programs of interest
Gathering Information (University) University Program School/ Campus OUAC Program Code Admission Requirements Degree Business Administration and Financial Mathematics 1st choice Laurier/ Waterloo UBF OSSD; Low 90s; One of ENG4U, ETS4U or EWC4U at 70%; MHF4U and MCV4U at 80% each BBA/BA Business Administration (Honours) 2nd choice UB OSSD; High 80s; MHF4U at 70%; One of MCV4U or MDM4U at 60% BBA
What you need to apply to University Valid and appropriate email account RHSS school number – 938009 Your OUAC PIN (from Counselling) Your student number Your home mailing address (including your postal code) Payment format (credit card strongly recommended) - $150 fee (3 program choices); $50 for each add. choice Program choices you are applying to in ranked order (program names and codes)
University Applications – New for 2017 Applicants will pay for all program choices If an applicant drops a choice and replaces it with a new choice, the new choice will incur a $50 charge (unless it is at the same university)
Applying to University Select ‘Undergrad (101)’ Current Ontario high school students Click on the ‘Apply Now’ box Click on ‘Create my OUAC Profile’ Video – University application process iPm-w0A
Application Dates (2016/2017) University: Apply early! November – online application opens January 11th (11:59pm) – equal consideration deadline February 3rd – recommended last date to submit all info to OUAC (including university and program changes) Apply early!
Offers of Admission University: Early offers of admission begin February for strong candidates May 26th – majority of applicants will receive a response from Ontario universities: conditional offer of admission, refusal, deferral (must confirm through June 1st – earliest date by which Ontario universities require a response to an offer of admission and a financial commitment Check email regularly (even SPAM folder)!
How will I know if I am accepted to University? OUAC online will show your acceptance status. Check your file regularly for updates. Universities will mail/email you a letter stating that a conditional acceptance is offered.
What does ‘conditional’ mean? You still need to complete all OSSD requirements Your average grade must stay the same or increase! (even a drop of 1% could result in your offer being withdrawn) University Degree Programs - You must graduate with a minimum of six 12U/M credits You must pass all prerequisite subjects that are required for your program You must successfully pass any required auditions or submit a Profile Questionnaire etc. as required You must meet minimum English Language Proficiency requirement (if applicable)
Keep Organized Create a paper or electronic filing system so each University has a separate file Keep ALL correspondence from that University choice as you may need it later (supplementary applications, residence applications, etc.)
Other Important Points Gr. 12 Exit Survey on myBlueprint must be completed in order to get your OUAC PIN. OUAC PINs will be handed out on Monday, November 28th, during both lunches in the atrium. You must present your student card + evidence of your Gr. 12 Exit Survey completion
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