Elementary Self-Checkout Mernie Maestas, Tanya Appling, Lindsay Linck, Jen Caster goo.gl/txMiE9
. Mernie K-5 Building in Wentzville School District; 45 minutes West of StL 983 Students Fixed Schedule; Release Time 43 Classes a week - 30 minute classes with Check-Out and Lesson “Full Time” Assistant 25,256 books circulated since January 2 SURVIVAL!! 82 Student Library Ambassadors
Hillcrest STEAM Academy K-6 building 500+ students 21 Classes (fixed/flex schedule) 1:1 in 2nd-6th 1:1 in classroom K-1 Tanya Started in 2015-2016 Sampled one class in each grade starting in 3rd-6th grade Made Library Cards from cardstock...moved to having barcodes on 1:1 devices
Scott Elementary School -K-4 Building, 300 Students -16 Classes each Week -Checkout every week -Library and Computer lab Lessons rotate weeks -Fixed Schedule, not teacher release time -45 minute library lessons -60 minute computer lab lessons Lindsay
Jen Mill Creek Upper Elementary - Belton Schools, KC outer metro area 650 students; Grades 5 & 6 Fixed schedule (not teacher release time) 24 classes each week; 40 minute classes Rotate checkout and lesson each week Me, before self - checkout!
Too much of my day was spent sitting behind the circulation computer. Why? . Too much of my day was spent sitting behind the circulation computer. I couldn’t help students with checkout throughout the day because I was teaching lessons with other classes. On computer lab weeks, I was unable to be in the library to help with checkout. I couldn’t do it all… We were all frustrated!
Destiny account called “Self Checkout” logged in everyday. HOW? . I piloted the process with two 5th grade classes for a semester before I implemented it for the whole school. IMPORTANT!!! I use library cards (made my ME) for them to use to access their accounts. Destiny account called “Self Checkout” logged in everyday. All in K-4 from the beginning. Created individual shelf markers with barcodes attached. Duct tape and cup system.
Keypad for kids to input their 5 digit lunch code HOW? . Made an Access Level that was Circulation; Patron - Circulation Circulation Keypad for kids to input their 5 digit lunch code Computers dedicated to only Check In or Check Out Scanners I went ALL IN! Kindergarten practice card Carts for returns Hold Bucket Repair Bucket
*All students of all cognitive and physical ability levels. Who? . *All students of all cognitive and physical ability levels. *Teachers and staff have cards and use the same system. Video link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B- NmQfoL51xSeUlFUGpEMVFjWjRMY0lraFdSZVBQWnMxM19v/view?usp=sharing
What? . Class librarians (one of the rotating classroom jobs) check in all returns for their class at the beginning of library time. Students participate in Makerspaces and I hand out library cards to different groups so they can go checkout and then go back to the Makerspace. I still check-in all the books at the beginning of the day to help with getting them back in the system and back on the shelves.
Teach them to look at the Call Number What? . 4 Refurbished Computers as Check-In Stations with inexpensive scanners/ stands Carts of Different Colors - Everybody Fic and Non-Fic (Red), Early Chapter Books (Green), Regular FIC and Non-Fic (Blue) Teach them to look at the Call Number Forgot books?? Sit in sofa area and read, iPad, Makerspace, etc. Select books, Check-Out, Sit in sofa area...etc. Once everyone is seated we can move to the lesson.
I should have done this years ago. Reflections . Piloting with only a few classes was essential for me. The process changed quite a bit during that time and I needed teacher and student perspective. I need a better system for creating cards and keeping track of new students. I should have done this years ago. Having students check back in the books before class instead of me. Drawing a space on the desk for kindergarteners to aim at for the scanner.
Kindergarten - cordless scanner to check-in their books Reflections . All in! was essential for me. I couldn’t keep track of which classes had been taught and which hadn’t ...AND my assistant needed to see it work. Kindergarten - cordless scanner to check-in their books First Grade - Transitioned to scanning their own Older kids want to avoid the check out line… switch the check-in stations! UGH!! Will NEVER go back!! Stealing the teacher card idea!! Make Access Level of Check In and Check Out if having different stations
Advice . Work out a system where students check out in groups. (Long lines of students on their own is not a positive experience for anyone) Train teachers along with the students if you are not release time. (even if you are release time… They send kids to get books on their accounts and you wind up STILL stuck to the circulation desk when you have a class.) If classrooms do not already have assigned jobs, assign jobs to students while in the library. Be patient! As much as you want to help speed up the process in the beginning, let the students do it, and they will get faster before too long.
. Q and A .
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Mernie - merniemaestas@wsdr4.org Tanya - tappling@bsd124.org Contact Us!! Mernie - merniemaestas@wsdr4.org Tanya - tappling@bsd124.org Lindsay - llinck@bsd124.org Jen - jcaster@bsd124.org