Aber Food Surplus Chris Byrne, Heather McClure, Chris Woodfield Saturday 8th October 2016 Centre for Alternative Technology
Imagine……. Imagine a place where community is enhanced and nurtured, where the young and old collaborate, where different backgrounds and nationalities combine, where people come together. Imagine a place where food is redistributed and consumed, rather than being wasted and left to rot, where this healthy, nutritious and wholesome food is cooked, eaten and enjoyed. Imagine a place where skills are developed, and shared, where opportunities created and potential realised. Imagine a place with happiness and creativity at its heart and these given the opportunity to flourish. We imagine that place as a reality here in Aberystwyth, to fulfil our passions of reducing food waste and building a thriving community. We imagine that place as a process, starting with 1 (a food waste redistribution hub) and 2 (a food waste café / community space) (links to following slide)
How will we achieve this… Food waste redistribution hub Food surplus café / community space
Aims and objectives Reduce edible fit-for-consumption food waste/ surplus in Aberystwyth Use surplus food to contribute to local food security by ensuring food is fed to people Provide volunteering opportunities for local community to enhance social capital Inspire and empower local people to deliver community led initiatives Facilitate attitude and behaviour change around food sustainability issues
What have we already achieved? Morrisons project – Salvation Army, The Wallich Research, development and scoping: -Food Values event – “Reducing Waste: Reinvigorating Values” -Survey questionnaire – charities / collaborators / partners Briefly descirbe
What are we currently doing? Research, development and scoping -Survey questionnaire – charities / collaborators / partners -Survey questionnaire – retailers (in-process) 2. Impact report 3. Formally initiate as charity, social enterprise, community interest company, cooperative 4. Next steps…. Briefly describe
What we need help with… Finance Premises Transportation Volunteers – skills
Thank you for listening Contact us: aberfoodsurplus@outlook.com;