Integrating Person-Centered and LifeCourse Thinking LifeCourse Showcase2017
Aunt Cleo
Joshua 3 years old
What have we tried? Use a “both and” approach by training LifeCourse and PCT together as one training Used Bob’s story and arrow to practice Trajectory and Integrated Support Star Used Katherine’s story to practice Trajectory and integrated Support Star Created “Katherine’s story” an older adult to help participants make connections in relationship to Aging
Bob moves from community life to the Special Pool Hall at Day Hab Moving from Service Life to Community Life A Good Paid Life Community Life Service Life PURPOSE: Bring participants back to the “Service to Community Life Continuum” – tying it to the Donut and demonstrating how our actions impact (positively or negatively) where a person sits on that continuum. SCRIPT The rest of the story - In the real life situation, the case manager panicked and reacted without thinking through the process. She contacted the prescribing physician, who reacted with anger that Bob was not following his orders. A meeting was held, Bob was scolded and put on a behavior plan. Point to where the behavior plan put Bob on the continuum.. In actuality, Bob quit services, quit taking his meds, cycled and became suicidal. His girlfriend was the one who knew what to do and got him into the hospital, she saved his life. After discharge from the hospital he got a new team, including a new physician. The new physician said drinking 2 beers over several hours while taking the prescribed medication was not an issue. In Bob’s real life, the 2 beers was not the issue – stopping the medication and risking triggering a cycle was the issue. TIPS: Don’t spend too much time here – just use this as a prompt/opportunity to tie the SKILL back to earlier learning. TIME: 2 Minutes NOTES: Bob moves from community life to the Special Pool Hall at Day Hab Bob ‘To’ and ‘for’ present Closest people are paid or family Few real connections ‘Important for’ addressed No organized effort to address ‘important to’ ‘To’ and ‘for’ present Active circle of support Included in community life © TLC-PCP 2012 TLC-PCP
Bob’s vision of a good life Trajectory Isn’t Always Straight Bob’s vision of a good life Based on what you know - discuss in your small groups Bob’s vision for a good life. Use the trajectory worksheet to record your discussion Use the trajectory worksheet to show events that occurred in Bob’s life that got him off trajectory “Bumps in the road” shouldn’t become life-long labels or life sentences!
What else do you need to learn/know? Bob What is important to Bob? What is important for Bob? PURPOSE: To help people have one more BRIEF practice To help people see that what they don’t know is as important as what they do know To set up for practicing the donut SCRIPT Keep this as a large group conversation NOT a written practice in the same way as the previous two sorts. This keeps it less like a drill and also allows you to end the morning with this practice and the conversation building toward community lives slide. Let people know that part of the reason why they are doing this over and over again is so that they will understand well enough to teach it. Not to stand in front of groups to teach but to be able to teach it informally where it would be useful. Note again that they don’t really need the important to/for practice, but they do need to practice the donut Bob’s story is long and if you don’t feel that you can do it justice or if the group is starting to get weary, just pass it out and have them read it. Then follow the same process. Once the group is done and you are looking at the answer slide help the group see that in Bob’s story what you don’t know is more important then what you do know. Have some discussion and then ask them to do the donut using the column version. TIPS: The “tricks” with Bob’s story are: What you don’t know is more important than what you do know; and Remember that in the story you are not likely to have been trained in issues around medication Bob’s story tempts people to jump straight into fixing - “What are we going to do?” (e.g. O’Doul’s) before they finish with what do we know and what do we want to learn TIME: 10 Minutes NOTES: What else do you need to learn/know? Wrkbk pg 22 © TLC-PCP 2012 TLC-PCP
Services and Supports are Evolving Everyone exists within the context of family and community Traditional Disability Services Integrated Services and Supports within context of person, family and community
What have we learned? It’s easier to train LifeCourse and PCT together Once you know and understand LifeCourse and PCT it’s very challenging to talk about one and not the other Participants grasp PCT concepts easier because the Integrated Star gives us direction Everyone loves the color copies
Using PCT for deeper understanding and guidance for Bob? What’s import to Bob in the context of wanting to be in charge of his own life? What’s important to Bob in the context of wanting to be one of the guys?
Within the Context of my vision for retirement when I need extra support Important to Lisa How Best to Support Lisa Include me in all discussions decisions about my life Respect my wishes Avoid making assumptions. Ask me. As I continue to age, remember me as I am now. My opinions, desires, beliefs won’t likely change
Using PCT for deeper understanding and guidance for Lisa What’s important to Lisa in the context of living with hubby some place with a lot more warm days, less snow and closer to grand kids? Low humidity No gated communities, no condos ½ acre of land, must have 3 bedrooms, wood floors Not too close to grandkids don’t want to become a full- time baby sitter
What are we pleased about? Using the “The Services & Supports are Evolving Slide” in follow-up to “Bob, Kathleen and Kristine’s” stories and activities helps to crystalize learning The way LifeCourse and PCT/PCP fit and complement Positive reaction and feedback from families, trainers, providers, support & service coordinators Ah ha moments using LifeCoure and PCT/PCP
What are we concerned about? We need: More stories Stories that relate to broader audiences Multiple stories that support all life domains and all life stages To figure out a way to pay for color copying maybe CoP states could share how they’ve accomplished this
What should we try/do based on what we learned? LifeCourse foundation and frame work that guides us and helps us see if we’re on vision or off tracjectory PCT helps us to be mindful of the person in the context of how best to support the person toward their vision of a good life Trainers should also use their own examples Continue these discussions; continue to share learning