Exploration Why did it begin? Europeans wanted to purchase cheaper spices Who controlled trade routes? Italy and Egypt Other reasons for exploring? European Christians wanted to convert people to Christianity
New Technology Astrolabe and compass Caravels: ship with triangular sails, which allowed it to sail against wind Rudder: improved steering Other reasons for exploring? European Christians wanted to convert people to Christianity
Sailors Vasco Da Gama Left from: Lisbon Portugal (1497) Where did he land: West coast of India Significance: established trade route to Asia
Sailors Christopher Columbus Originally from: Italy Voyage paid for by: Ferdinand & Isabella (Spain 1492) Three reasons they paid? Promised riches New territory Catholic converts Route: Left the Canary Islands and crossed the Atlantic Number of men and ships: 90 men & 3 ships (Nina, Pinta, & Santa Maria) Purpose: To find a faster trade route to India & gain riches for Spain
Landing location: Bahamas Named the Island: San Salvador (“Holy Savior’) Where did he think he landed: West Indies of the coast of Japan or China Horrible result of voyages: Columbus enslaved many tribes that he encountered
Amerigo Vespucci: Bahamas -Italian explorer whose voyage was paid by Spain Voyage landed: present day South America Significance: his letters led mapmakers to believe he had discovered a new land and named if for him.
Ferdinand Magellan From: Portugal Purpose: sail around the tip of South America Significance: first crew to circumnavigate the globe Risks faced: running low on food and water Discovered & named: Pacific Ocean (means peaceful)
Outcome for Magellan-killed in battle in the Philippines before the voyage ended Brutal Result: only 18 of original 250 crew & 1 of 5 ships survived the trip