Suffer With Me - Session 7 Session 7: Thursday (Part Two) The Passover Discourses A Study of the Passion Week
The Importance of John 90% of John’s gospel is not recorded in the Synoptic Gospels None of the Passover Discourse in John is recorded along with the meal in any other gospel The things Jesus discusses here He thought most foundational
Discourse Subjects Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 15 Chapter 16 Servanthood Betrayal Denial Chapter 14 Trust Faith The Holy Spirit Chapter 15 The Source Love Persecution Chapter 16 Persecution The Holy Spirit Joy Chapter 17 Jesus Prays for Himself Jesus Prays for His Disciples Jesus Prays for All Believers
Servanthood John 13:1-20 This was just after the disciples fought amongst themselves for authority. Jesus’ final act was an act of love. It was service. Washing of feet was a slave’s job. Feet were used on dusty roads all day long.
Servanthood Why did Peter react to Jesus? His whole question is emphatic! (v. 6) The double negative and “until forever” (v. 8) He could not comprehend the social role reversal, his Master becoming his Servant
Servanthood “Teacher” and “Lord” are titles of authority (v 13). Jesus used Himself as an example for the disciples What should we do? Reverse the authoritarian culture of our day and become servants to each other.
Betrayal Host Guest of Honor John the Disciple John 13:21-30 Most of us cannot understand why there was a lack of communication at the table that night Peter
Denial John 13:36-38 That Peter suggests laying down his life shows he has some understanding of what Jesus is about to do (v. 37) Peter’s voice can be echoed in the saint who says, “If I were alive in Jesus’ times, I would not have crucified him.”
Trust and Faith This section is glued together by the idea of trust. John 14:1-14 This section is glued together by the idea of trust. Jesus says He’s going away but He’s preparing heaven for us and He’ll come back. We can’t personally check Him on this. We trust that is what is happening!
Trust and Faith Thomas mentions this (v. 5). Jesus replies that He is the way, the truth, and the life. Faith in Jesus is a trust that His statements about Himself and the future are indeed reality!
The Holy Spirit John 14:15-31 In this context, the Holy Spirit is the One who comforts us in the face of Jesus’ physical absence. He is also the One who helps us to obey God’s commands. He is our great peace!
The Holy Spirit John 15:26-27 In the context of persecution, the Holy Spirit is called the Comforter (v. 26) His purpose here is to testify about Jesus, and help us testify about Jesus
The Holy Spirit John 16:5-15 If Jesus did not go away, the Holy Spirit can not come (v. 7) The Holy Spirit will convict the world of Sin – disbelief in Jesus Righteousness – Jesus is no longer a visible help in being righteous Judgment – Satan has been judged
The Holy Spirit (Continued) The Holy Spirit will guide into and speak only truth to us The Holy Spirit will always bring glory to Jesus!
The Source Jesus is the source of our production of fruit (character) John 15:1-8 Jesus is the source of our production of fruit (character) The word “remain” or “abide” is repeated so many times in this section because Jesus knows we can do nothing if we do not maintain our connection to Him at all times
Love John 13:31-35 13:31-35 – Right after Judas leaves, Jesus speaks of His glorification on the cross The “new command” is only new if you cannot see the heart of the Law Loving one another is the signature marks of Jesus’ disciples. Unconditional love for each other is the sign of Christianity.
Love John 15:9-17 Love here is not an emotional feeling; it is an action of obedience It is the same love found in the Godhead This love is: Unconditional for one another (v. 12) A love unto death (v. 13) A love between friends (equals) rather than servants (v. 14-15) A love born out of choice – Jesus chose to love us! (v. 16)
Persecution John 15:18-25 The world hates us because of our connection to Jesus and relationship with Him The way they treat Jesus = the way they treat you
Persecution Jesus’ teaching helps His followers avoid heresy John 16:1-4 Jesus’ teaching helps His followers avoid heresy Without Jesus physically with us to protect us, we remember during persecution that people do this to us because they do not know God
Joy Jesus says that His absence will make His disciples sad at first John 16:16-22 Jesus says that His absence will make His disciples sad at first But with the Holy Spirit’s coming, they then have access to Jesus and can ask Him anything. We are living in that time period right now! Not only this, but He said He’s coming back!
The Three Prayers For Himself For His Disciples For All Believers That through His death, He might glorify the Father For His Disciples That though living in the world, they might glorify Him and the Father For All Believers That they might be united as one and united with Jesus to glorify the Father
Next Week… Jesus Before Pilate Jesus’ Beatings Jesus’ Crucifixion