Using DML to Modify Data Module 7 Using DML to Modify Data
Generating Automatic Column Values Module Overview 7: Using DML to Modify Data Generating Automatic Column Values
Lesson 1: Adding Data to Tables 7: Using DML to Modify Data Demonstration: Adding Data to Tables
Using INSERT to Add Data 7: Using DML to Modify Data The INSERT...VALUES statement inserts a new row Table and row constructors add multi-row capability to INSERT...VALUES INSERT INTO Sales.OrderDetails (orderid, productid, unitprice, qty, discount) VALUES (10255,39,18,2,0.05); INSERT (Transact-SQL) Table Value Constructor (Transact-SQL) INSERT INTO Sales.OrderDetails (orderid, productid, unitprice, qty, discount) VALUES (10256,39,18,2,0.05), (10258,39,18,5,0.10);
Using INSERT with Data Providers 7: Using DML to Modify Data INSERT ... SELECT to insert rows from another table: INSERT ... EXEC is used to insert the result of a stored procedure or dynamic SQL expression into an existing table: INSERT Sales.OrderDetails (orderid, productid, unitprice, qty, discount) SELECT * FROM NewOrderDetails The examples are based on objects that do not exist in the database. INSERT INTO Production.Products (productID, productname, supplierid, categoryid, unitprice) EXEC Production.AddNewProducts;
SELECT -> INTO is similar to INSERT <- SELECT Using SELECT INTO 7: Using DML to Modify Data SELECT -> INTO is similar to INSERT <- SELECT It also creates a table for the output, fashioned on the output itself The new table is based on query column structure Uses column names, data types, and null settings Does not copy constraints or indexes It is important to realize that, to add further rows to a table after it has been created with SELECT INTO statements, you use INSERT INTO or INSERT SELECT. Question You want to populate three columns of an existing table with data from another table in the same database. Which of the following types of query should you use? ( )Option 1: INSERT INTO <TableName> (<Columns,…>) VALUES (<Column Value> …) ( )Option 2: INSERT INTO <DestinationTableName> SELECT <Columns> FROM <SourceTableName> ( )Option 3: INSERT INTO <DestinationTableName> EXECUTE usp_SomeStorerdProcedure ( )Option 4: SELECT <Columns,…> INTO DestinationTableName FROM SourceTableName ( )Option 5: SELECT <Columns,…> INTO SourceTableName FROM DestinationTableNAme Answer (√) Option -2: INSERT INTO <TableName> (<Columns,…>) VALUES (<Column Value> …) SELECT * INTO NewProducts FROM PRODUCTION.PRODUCTS WHERE ProductID >= 70
Demonstration: Adding Data to Tables 7: Using DML to Modify Data In this demonstration, you will see how to: Add Data to a table using the INSERT statement Use the OUTPUT keyword with INSERT Use Stored Procedure output to insert data into a table Use SELECT INTO for populating a table with data and create the table structure at the same time Preparation Steps Start the MSL-TMG1, 20761A-MIA-DC, and 20761A-MIA-SQL virtual machines. Demonstration Steps INSERT Data into a Table Start the 20761AD-MIA-DC and 20761A-MIA-SQL virtual machines, log on to 20761A-MIA-SQL as ADVENTUREWORKS\Student with the password Pa$$w0rd, Run D:\Demofiles\Mod07\Setup.cmd as an administrator. Click Yes when prompted. In the Command Prompt window press y, and then press Enter. When the script has finished, press Enter. Open SQL Server Management Studio, and connect to the MIA-SQL database engine instance using Windows authentication. In the D:\Demofiles\Mod07\Demo folder, open the Demo.ssmssln solution. In Solution Explorer, expand Queries, and double-click 11 - Demonstration A.sql. Highlight the code USE TSQL GO, and click Execute. First we will populate a table with some data from a stored procedure. Highlight the code under the comment that begins -- First try the INSERT by stored procedure INSERT INTO Production.Products ( productID , productname , supplierid , categoryid , unitprice) EXEC Production.AddNewProducts; Click Execute you will receive a message saying the procedure is not there. (More notes on the next slide)
Lesson 2: Modifying and Removing Data 7: Using DML to Modify Data Demonstration: Manipulating Data Using the UPDATE and DELETE Statements and MERGING Data Using Conditional DML Question A user cannot delete records in the Cars table by using a DELETE statement. His query was intended to remove all pool cars that have been sold. The query used was: DELETE FROM Scheduling.Cars WHERE Cars.DateSold <> NULL What mistake did the user make? Answer An expression comparison operator ‘<>’ was used instead of the IS NOT NULL clause.
Using UPDATE to Modify Data 7: Using DML to Modify Data UPDATE changes all rows in a table or view Unless rows are filtered with a WHERE clause or constrained with a JOIN clause Column values are changed with the SET clause UPDATE Production.Products SET unitprice = (unitprice * 1.04) WHERE categoryid = 1 AND discontinued = 0 ; UPDATE Production.Products SET unitprice *= 1.04 -- Using compound -- assignment operators WHERE categoryid = 1 AND discontinued = 0;
Updating Data in One Table Based on a Join to Another 7: Using DML to Modify Data It is a good idea to remind the students about the implications of not using meaningful aliases. The slide contains some code copied from the online help system that started out like the code below. Compare and contrast the differences and note how the use of meaningful aliases instead of acronyms makes code easier for maintenance. Disruptive coding practices USE AdventureworksGOUPDATE srSET sr.Name += ' - tool malfunction'FROM Production.ScrapReason AS srJOIN Production.WorkOrder AS wo ON sr.ScrapReasonID = wo.ScrapReasonID AND wo.ScrappedQty > 300; UPDATE Reason -- Notice use of Alias to make reading better SET Name += ‘ ?' FROM Production.ScrapReason AS Reason INNER JOIN Production.WorkOrder AS WorkOrder ON Reason.ScrapReasonID = WorkOrder.ScrapReasonID AND WorkOrder.ScrappedQty > 300;
Using MERGE to Modify Data 7: Using DML to Modify Data MERGE modifies data based on a condition When the source matches the target When the source has no match in the target When the target has no match in the source MERGE TOP (10) INTO Store AS Destination USING StoreBackup AS StagingTable ON(Destination.Key = StagingTable.Key) WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN INSERT (C1,..) VALUES (Source.C1,..) WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET Destination.C1 = StagingTable.C1,..;
In this demonstration, you will see how to: Demonstration: Manipulating Data Using the UPDATE and DELETE Statements and MERGING Data Using Conditional DML 7: Using DML to Modify Data In this demonstration, you will see how to: UPDATE row, column intersections within tables DELETE complete rows from within tables Apply multiple data manipulation language (DML) operations by using the MERGE statement Understand how to use the OUTPUT clause to monitor data changes during DML operations Understand how to access prior and current data elements, in addition to showing the DML operation performed Preparation Steps Start the MSL-TMG1, 20761A-MIA-DC, and 20761A-MIA-SQL virtual machines. Demonstration Steps Update and Delete Data in a Table Start the 20761AD-MIA-DC and 20761A-MIA-SQL virtual machines, log on to 20761A-MIA-SQL as ADVENTUREWORKS\Student with the password Pa$$w0rd, Run D:\Demofiles\Mod07\Setup.cmd as an administrator. In the Command Prompt window press y, and then press Enter. When the script has finished, press Enter. If SQL Server Management Studio is not already open, start it and connect to the MIA-SQL database engine instance using Windows authentication, Open the Demo.ssmssln solution in the D:\Demofiles\Mod07\Demo folder. In Solution Explorer, open the 21 – Demonstration B.sql script file. Highlight the code USE AdventureWorks GO, and click Execute. Select the code under USE AdventureWorks GO, and then click Execute. Select the code under the comment Remove the copied rows from the store table, and then click Execute. Select the code under the comment Show that they have been removed, and then click Execute. Select the code under the comment Use the Merge statement to put them back, and then click Execute. Select the code under the comment SELECT * FROM Sales.Store where 1 = 0 -- used to extract column names for all columns, without cost of data access, and then click Execute. Select the code under the comment Use the Merge statement to Change the names back, and then click Execute. (More notes on the next slide)
Lesson 3: Generating Automatic Column Values 7: Using DML to Modify Data Using Sequences
20761A Using IDENTITY 7: Using DML to Modify Data The IDENTITY property generates column values automatically Optional seed and increment values can be provided Only one column in a table may have IDENTITY defined IDENTITY column must be omitted in a normal INSERT statement Functions are provided to return last generated values SELECT @@IDENTITY – Default scope is session SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY() – Scope is object containing the call SELECT IDENT_CURRENT(' tablename') – In this case, scope is defined by tablename There is a setting to allow identity columns to be changed manually ON or automatic OFF SET IDENTITY_INSERT <Tablename> [ON|OFF] CREATE TABLE Production.Products (PID int IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, Name VARCHAR(15),…) Question You are using an IDENTITY column to store the sequence in which orders were placed in a given year. It is a new year and you want to start the count again from 1. Which of the following statements should you use? ( )Option 1: OrderSequence int IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL ( )Option 2: SET IDENTITY INSERT ( )Option 3: SCOPE_IDENTITY() ( )Option 4: DBCC CHECKIDENT ( )Option 5: CREATE SEQUENCE Answer (√) Option -2: OrderSequence int IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL INSERT INTO Production.Products (Name,…) VALUES (‘MOC 2072 Manual’,…)
Using Sequences Sequence objects were first added in SQL Server 2012 7: Using DML to Modify Data Sequence objects were first added in SQL Server 2012 Independent objects in database More flexible than the IDENTITY property Can be used as default value for a column Manage with CREATE/ALTER/DROP statements Retrieve value with the NEXT VALUE FOR clause -- Define a sequence CREATE SEQUENCE dbo.InvoiceSeq AS INT START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1; -- Retrieve next available value from sequence SELECT NEXT VALUE FOR dbo.InvoiceSeq;
Lab: Using DML to Modify Data Exercise 2: Update and Delete Records Using DML Exercise 1: Inserting Records with DML You need to add a new employee to the TempDB.Hr.Employee table and test the required T-SQL code. You can then pass the T-SQL code to the human resources system’s web developers, who are creating a web form to simplify this task. You also want to add all potential customers to the Customers table to consolidate those records. Exercise 2: Update and Delete Records Using DML You want to update the use of contact titles in the database to match the most commonly-used term in the company—making searches more straightforward. You also want to remove the three potential customers who have been added to the Customers table. Instructor Note: A more elegant solution to deleting the potential customers would be to match the records with those in the Customers table. That would, however, require a subquery—a subject not yet covered in this course. If students are already familiar with subqueries, you could use this approach to delete records in the Potential Customers table with a contactname that occurs in the Customers table. Logon Information Virtual Machine: 20761A-MIA-SQL User Name: ADVENTUREWORKS\STUDENT Password: Pa$$w0rd Estimated Time: 30 Minutes
20761A Lab Scenario 7: Using DML to Modify Data You are a database developer for Adventure Works and need to create DML statements to update data in the database to support the website development team. The team need T-SQL statements that they can use to carry out updates to data, based on actions performed on the website. You will supply template DML statements that they can modify to their specific requirements.
20761A Lab Review 7: Using DML to Modify Data The presence of which constraint prevents TRUNCATE TABLE from executing successfully? Question What attributes of the source columns are transferred to a table created with a SELECT INTO query? Answer Name, data type, and whether the column is NULL enabled. The presence of which constraint prevents TRUNCATE TABLE from executing successfully? A foreign key reference to the table.
Module Review and Takeaways 7: Using DML to Modify Data Common Issues and Troubleshooting Tips Common Issues and Troubleshooting Tips Common Issue: You are part way through the exercises and want to start again from the beginning. You run the set-up script within the solution and receive lots of error messages. This may occur if you have tried to execute the set-up script without running the clean-up script to remove any changes you may have made during the lab. Troubleshooting Tip: Run the clean-up script before running the set-up script.