Roots and Affixes By: Monica Cortes
Word Parts There are two kinds of word parts: roots and affixes.
An affix is a word part that can be attached to either a root or a base word to create a new word. Affixes A root is a word part that comes from another language, such as Greek or Latin. Roots
Affixes Affixes Affixes can be divided into two categories: prefixes (appear at the beginning of words) and suffixes (appear at the end of words). Prefix Suffix
Prefixes and Suffixes Common Prefixes Common Suffixes Bi- two -al adjectival suffix Anti- against -fy verb suffix Inter- between -ic adjectival suffix Pre- before -ion noun suffix Super- above -ism noun suffix Trans- across -ize verb suffix Dis- not -ous adjectival suffix
Prefix Root Word Suffix Definition/Meaning The meaning of a word is related to the meaning of its word parts Prefix Root Word Suffix Meaning of word = Meaning of its word parts
We are going to break the word down into its component parts. Lets unlock the meaning of an unfamiliar word We are going to break the word down into its component parts. Think about the meaning of the word’s affixes and root
First break the word into its parts: Apply First break the word into its parts: Word: intangible PREFIX ROOT SUFFIX ENGLISH WORD In- + tang + -ible = intangible Tang is a latin roots meaning “touch” In- is a prefix meaning “not” -ible is a suffix meaning “able to” Not able to touch
Practice Fraction Let’s break the word into its parts PREFIX ROOT SUFFIX ENGLISH WORD Fract + ion = fraction Fract is a latin roots meaning “break” -ion is a suffix meaning “process”
Practice Underline the root word Circle the prefix or suffix unzipped zipp Un ed
Practice 1. searched 5. enraged 9. dismount 2. unloading 6. tramping 10.disappointment 3. unfriendly 7. beloved 11. uneasy 4. dishonestly 8. homeless PREFIX ROOT SUFFIX = ENGLISH WORD