Warm Up In a 5-7 sentence paragraph, explain what the significance of convoys were in WW1.
Announcements/Reminders… Pop quiz on WW1 upcoming!!!!
Quote of the Day! Who can interpret the meaning of this quote? Why might this person have said this quote? How might you apply this quote to your own life?
Objective- SWBAT identify the major battles in World War One Objective- SWBAT identify the major battles in World War One. Daily Vocabulary-Allies, invasion
Thinking back to last class, how did the entry of the United States help shift the tide of the war? (Turn and talk)
The allies now began an attack of their own The allies now began an attack of their own. In mid September, a half million American soldiers defeated the Germans at Saint Mihiel. Later that month, more than 1 million American troops joined the Allied in the Battle of the Argonne Forest. It became the biggest attack in American history.
The Battle of the Argonne Forest raged for nearly seven weeks The Battle of the Argonne Forest raged for nearly seven weeks. Soldiers struggled over the rugged, heavy forested ground. Rain, mud, barbed wire, and German machine gun fire hindered the Allies advance. Many solders died, yet the Allies had won the battle. They had pushed back the Germans and broken through their lines. The Germans now faced an invasion of their own country.
Guided Practice As a class, we will popcorn read a passage about WW1 acts of heroism. (Top of page 674) As a class, we will discuss the following question: 1. Why do you think identifying fallen soldiers was an important issue for the military?
Independent Practice Think about what it was like to be a soldier on the front line in World War One. In a 5-7 sentence paragraph, write a letter home describing battle conditions. Write from the perspective of a United States soldier.
Group Work You will receive a map titled “Europe During World War One” (Page 673) In what country was the Battle of Somme fought? Based on this map, which nations civilians likely suffered the most during the war? Why?
Closure Based on todays lesson, record three facts, two opinions, and one further question.
Homework Complete exam review sheet.