Thanksgiving Holiday Trivia Fun, Fellowship and…. Competition!!!
A. One hour, per 4 lbs. B. 8 Hours per 4 lbs. C. One day per 4 lbs. According to Butterball, they recommend you thaw a turkey in the refrigerator how long per 4 pounds? A. One hour, per 4 lbs. B. 8 Hours per 4 lbs. C. One day per 4 lbs. D. 4 hours per 4lbs.
Thanksgiving is only celebrated in the U.S.? True or False? A. True B. False
The first department store to hold a Thanksgiving parade was: A. Montgomery Wards B. J.C. Penny’s C. Gimbels D. Macy’s E. None of above
What is the name of the famous rock credited to where the pilgrims first landed?
Why does Butterballs say that once the turkey is done that you should let it stand for 15 minutes? A. so you don’t burn your tongue B.It’s easier to carve C.To let the aroma go through the house D. To let the stuffing cool before you take it out
The Indians who were invited to the feast were of the Wampanoag tribe. Who was their chief? Massasoit Pemaquid Samoset Squanto
What was the name of the ship that the pilgrims came over on?
Who was the captain of this ship? A. Miles Standish B. Christopher Jones C. John Smith
Thanksgiving became a national holiday thanks to This woman editor of The Godey’s Lady’s Book, magazine. A. Sarah Hale B. Sarah Parker C. Sarah Bradford D. Sarah Standish
Which President was first to establish Thanksgiving as a legal nation holiday on 4th Thursday of November? A. Abraham Lincoln B. FDR C. Thomas Jefferson D. James Madison
In Canada they celebrate Thanksgiving in what month? A. November B. October C. September D. May
The term “cornucopia” means what? A. Tall corn B. Greek God of Corn C. Horn of Plenty D. a traditional New England relish
What was the original name for the Pilgrims? A. Puritans B. Partisans C. Settler D. Journeymen
Butterball recommends that you cover the breast and the top of the drumsticks with aluminum foil when? A. Right away – when you first put it in to cook B. When it is half-way done C. When it is 2/3 cooked D. The last 15 minutes
The word turkey is said to come from the Hebrew word “Tukki” which means: A. Big Bird B. Pheasant Bird C. Wild Bird D. Turk’s Bird
Which president moved Thanksgiving up 1 week to help stimulate Christmas shopping? A. Theodore Roosevelt B. John F. Kennedy C. Franklin D. Roosevelt D. Dwight D. Eisenhower E. None of the above. It was never changed.
In what year did the first Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade take place? B. 1894 C. 1904 D. 1924
Thanksgiving is a Religious holiday? A. True B. False
Which president is believed to be the first to pardon a turkey and start this annual tradition? A. Andrew Jackson B. Millard Fillmore C. Harry Truman D. Warren Harding
Before being harvested and sold, an individual cranberry must bounce at least how many inches high to make sure it isn’t too ripe? A. 1 inch B. 2 inches C. 3 inches D. 4 inches 4 inches Or 10 centimeters
In which magazine did Norman Rockwell’s “Freedom From Want” first appear? A. McCall’s B. Saturday Evening Post C. Life
Back in the early 1600’s, the pilgrim’s didn’t have which of the following utensils to eat their Thanksgiving meal with? A. Spoons B. Forks C. Knives
How many Pilgrim’s were on the Mayflower? B. 102 C. 122
How long was the voyage from England to the New World? A. 66 days B. 106 days C. 146 days
The Mayflower was not built to be a transportation ship for people The Mayflower was not built to be a transportation ship for people. What was the original purpose of the Mayflower? A. A merchant ship to carry wine B. A fishing ship C. A ship to get spices from the Far East
Which of the following was approved table manners at the first Thanksgiving? A. Eating with your hands B. Spitting on the floor C. Throwing the bones into the hearth when done D. All of the above
Why is Thanksgiving always observed on a Thursday? A. The pilgrims felt it was sacrilegious to have a party on the Sabbath B. It took a lot of time to prepare and was ready on Thursday and they had to eat it before it spoiled C. The pilgrims went to church twice a week. Sundays and mid-prayers on Thursdays. The wanted to use the mid-prayer day as a day of thanksgiving.
In 1849 Missionaries from New England celebrated Thanksgiving in Hawaii with King Kamehameha. To show honor to him the served the meal: A. On tables made of palm trees with tablecloths brought from the Americas B. In the Hawaiian tradition of a luau C. On their ship