SCEC General Assembly Meeting February 17, 2011
Let’s welcome Kimberly Abell from Polar Plunge! Lake Sara in Effingham, Il ½ point to be a team member! 1 point of you can show me in person or by picture that you actually took the plunge! March 5, 2011 at 12pm
Contact info. For Kimberly Phone: 217-345-2424 Email:
Let’s welcome Curtis from Big Brothers/Big Sisters! School based mentoring at Kansas and Humboldt TLC One hour per week Worth 2 points for school based program! Worth 3 points for community based program!
Contact info. For Curtis Phone: 217-348-8741 Email:
Mark your calendars!!! Second Event: February 25 in Andrews Hall Basement from 5-7pm: Mardi Gras Theme! Bring a food item to donate for another ½ point! (Water, 2 liters, cookies, etc.) Third Meeting: March 10 in Buzzard Auditorium at 6pm. This is our joint meeting with Sig Rho! “Walking Time Capsule” Panel Discussion Worth: 1point! Dress in practicum attire and it’s worth another ½ point!!! –more info to follow via email…
Point Opportunities Bake sale on March 10: ½ point store bought items; 1 point for homemade! Bringing items for events: ½ point National CEC membership: 3 points It’s $69.00 a year; receive great publications; many opportunities come with membership! Tull House every week on Monday at 6pm
Contact Info & General Info Taylor Wilson- President Becky Schumacher- Secretary Tiffany Nation- Vice President/Tull House Chair CHECK US OUT ON FACEBOOK: EIUSCEC GET POWERPOINT INFO & NEWSLETTERS AT
T-Shirts from last semester are HERE!! If you ordered a shirt last semester see Sarah Rife for you shirt after the meeting! Don’t forget about the SCEC LiveText Scholarship!!! Applications are in the TMC on the SCEC bulletin board. Due March 7th by 3pm in the SCEC box in the TMC!
National CEC Convention and Expo Held in National Harbor, MD More than 800 sessions in multiple formats to attend! Expert leaders and presenters with the latest knowledge and information to move research into practice April 25-28 Register by April 4 to receive the advance registration rate ($50 off the onsite rate!)