Personal Development Workshop
Objectives of a Personal Development Workshop To understand the 4 Dimensions of development To explore our ‘instinctive’ selves To be aware of perception To be open to feedback Using colour to understand the different preferences of behaviour To explore our potential and create an action plan
Colourful Ice Breaker Names Example 4 2 1 3 You 1. 2. 3. Focused Decisive Direct Challenging Assertive Action-orientated Talkative Expressive Light-hearted Sociable Flamboyant Enthusiastic Empathetic Concerned Informal Supportive Patient Easy-going Reflective Observing Analytical Cautious Formal Exacting Example 4 2 1 3 You 1. 2. 3.
Card Game
4D 1D 3D 2D Background So what is 4D all about? Clarity4D has been developed as a behavioural profile to clarify how to unlock our potential. So what is 4D all about? 1D DISCOVER (self-awareness) 2D DISCUSS (others’ perception of you) 3D DIVERSIFY (your hidden potential) 4D DEVELOP (your full potential over time) 4D 1D 3D 2D
Perception Artwork by Ricky Balboa
2nd Dimension: How others might see you
2nd Dimension Feedback Name + 1. Name ? 1. 2. 2. Read pages 5-6 of the other person’s profile and prepare 2 post-it notes • One with 2 positive statements • One with 2 ’I’m curious to know more about….’ statements
2nd Dimension Feedback One Thing To Think About – An OTTTA! OTTTA
Colour Model
Carl Jung 1876 - 1961
1st Jung Preference How do you gather Information ? Start Sensing or Intuition
Sensing / Intuition Sensing - uses all five senses Intuition - adds a 6th sense to the 5 Pragmatic and hands on Mentally in the present Likes to takes things step by step Imaginative and creative thinking Future focused Takes a leap into future opportunities
In 30 seconds write down what comes to mind
Sensing and iNtuition Shown in Colours S = sensing N = iNtuition
2nd Jung Preference How do you make decisions ? Start Thinking or Feeling
Thinking / Feeling Thinking - makes decisions from head Feeling – makes decisions from the heart Data driven Analytical Objective Emotion driven People focused Subjective
Thinking and Feeling Preferences If you were to buy a ‘new’ sofa what criteria would you choose to make your decision?
How you respond to situations ? 3rd Jung Preference Start How you respond to situations ? Introversion or Extraversion
Introversion / Extraversion Introversion – Prefers Inner World Creates their energy from inside Think, think, think, do, think Extraversion – Prefers Outer World Creates their energy externally Do, do, do, think, do. • Wants to understand • Wants to act on
Exercises Form a human line across the room from 100% introversion, to 100% extraversion. In two groups, an introverted group and an extraverted group, come up with a couple of questions on what frustrates you about your opposite type. This is not to be taken personally, it is about introverted behaviour and extraverted behaviour.
Stretching your ‘Comfort Zone’ Choosing when to use more of these energies Choosing when to use less of these energies
3rd Dimension: Diversify your hidden potential
4th Dimension: The time it takes to develop your potential
Action Plan What is your goal as a result of this workshop? What are the first steps and when will you take them? What is the timescale? How will you know that you are succeeding?
Bead Making