White Paper: Educational Excellence Everywhere – update and next steps
welcome and introduction Sheila Smith
purpose of session update on the implications of education reform provide information to the SSF to support decision making for the schools budget for 2017-18 enable informed responses to the further fair funding consultation and traded services offering
structure of the session welcome and introduction update on educational excellence everywhere further fair funding consultation and traded offering for schools refreshment break the schools budget for 2017-18 free schools
educational excellence everywhere - update schools in NS moving forward with plans to convert as part of a MAT feedback from consultation that it is now too late for establishing a MAT in partnership with NS Council considering options for a new vehicle for traded services for education providers
educational excellence everywhere - update consultation issued 19 Oct with staff in the Learning & Achievement Branch about only delivering our reduced statutory responsibilities proposals include: the end of the L&A branch reduction in FTE delivering L&A functions from 96.71 FTE to 44.77 FTE (excl. traded activity) looking to commission some statutory services from a new trading partner consultation to follow shortly with staff across the Council
national update national funding formula for schools will not be implemented in 2017-18 – delayed until at least 2018-19 national funding formula for early years likely to be implemented in 2017-18 awaiting results of a DfE consultation on the proposals for an early years national funding formula – will then consult locally
national update still haven’t had consultation on LA future statutory responsibilities information on transitional Education Service Grant Funding April to Sept 17 outcome of phase 1 or phase 2 consultation on national fair funding formula consultation on changes to school funding or school forum regulations
update on traded services lower levels of buy back in many areas level of buy back for some areas mean that services will not be offered additional service offerings issued to schools following SSF on 19 Oct Council considering options for a new vehicle for traded services for education providers
update on fair funding proposals not to introduce funding for schools with falling rolls for 2017-18 to implement the wording change to the exceptional pupil growth funding policy for new schools for 2017-18 to introduce a process in 2017-18 to automatically assess and allocate funding to schools considered as having a disproportionate number of high needs pupils
update on fair funding proposals de-delegate until 31st August 2017: ethnic minority groups SS4L FSM eligibility contingencies de-delegate insurance for 2017-18 a
update on fair funding proposals stop de-delegations for 2017-18 future schools school central funds (maternity/paternity & suspensions) RPTAs a
preparation for 2017-18 budget financial pressures remain no requirement to make changes to what is funded from the schools budget in 2017-18 right time to reconsider what we retain centrally and what we allocate to schools in order to: keep in line with education reform direction of travel treat staff fairly and consult appropriately consult with schools on how any additional funding should be delegated provide and opportunity for schools to consider additional traded services offerings
preparation for 2017-18 budget Elements of Schools Budget for potential delegation 2017-18 2016-17 Budget £ Proposal for consultation Learning Exchange £404,879 Delegate to schools from September 2017 Peer to Peer Support £143,000 Delegate to schools from April/September 2017 Psychology £140,752 Delegate to schools from April/ September 2017 Sensory Impairment Service £278,440 Give notice to consider alternatives as soon as possible
preparation for 2017-18 budget Elements of Schools Budget for potential delegation 2017-18 2016-17 Budget £ Proposal for consultation Inclusion Advisory Team £350,789 Delegate to schools from April/September 2017 Targeted mental health in schools £50,000 Delegate to schools from April/ September 2017 Virtual school £135,190 Remove AT Capacity and delegate to schools from April/September 2017 SALT & SALSA £97,999 Retain for further consideration
preparation for 2017-18 budget Elements of Schools Budget for potential delegation 2017-18 2016-17 Budget £ Proposal for consultation Parenting £12,671 End VLS Management £42,120 Will adjust depending on decisions above Commissioned resource bases (Enhanced Provision) £95,000 Delegate to schools from April/ September 2017
preparation for 2017-18 budget please be aware that any decision to delegate additional resources to schools may be impacted by: any resources required to balance the 2017-18 budget any resources required to fund the deficit brought forward from 2016-17 the cost of termination of employment costs for services previously funded by the Schools Budget
preparation for 2017-18 budget – next steps the SSF have agreed to: consult with schools on the proposals for the 2017-18 Schools Budget issue additional service offerings to schools for the services to be delegated in 2017-18 consider the outcome of the consultation with schools and the additional service offering at the meeting of the SSF on 7th December 2016 take initial decisions about the Schools Budget for 2017-18 at the December 2016 meeting
activity: review the elements of the 2016-17 schools budget, consider the proposals for consultation and provide comment
enjoy your refreshments please return by 10:45
further fair funding consultation consulting on two areas: how to delegate additional resources to schools for service previously funded centrally how to reduce funding in 2017-18 to set a balance Schools Budget
additional traded services offering additional services: for those areas currently retained centrally but now proposed for delegation opportunity to re-consider now clarification of what de-delegations will end now clarification that some services are no longer viable
timescales consultation and traded offering open until 25th November 2016 will inform: initial budget setting by the SSF on 7th December staffing levels and redundancy costs consideration of future delivery of traded services by The Executive on 6th December
activity: discuss the proposals in the consultation & additional service offering and devise questions
statutory services charge Council has a number of statutory responsibilities for maintained schools these end when a school converts to academy status as the Education Services Grant is cut the responsibility for funding these statutory responsibilities transfers to the SSF who can topslice maintained schools budget to fund estimated charge (subject to change) is approx. £3.5k per school per annum
statutory services charge these responsibilities include: custodian of the public purse under S151 of the Local Government Act challenge and intervention in relation to maintained school duties as the landlord for school buildings health and safety as a landlord and employer responding to complaints from parents and Ofsted collation of various statutory returns approval and sealing of Instruments of Governance and co-ordinating appointment of LA governors
thank you please respond to the consultation and share your views with your rep on the SSF
free schools Simon Foster, Office of the Regional Schools Commissioner