Troubleshooting SQL IO issues with Xperf Joe McTaggart Microsoft Premier Field Engineer © 2012 Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Confidential
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Joe McTaggart Joined Microsoft in 2001 SQL CTS (customer technical support) through 2006 Premier Field Engineer since 2009 Reactive Troubleshooting Proactive engagements Training
Event Tracing for Windows
Event Tracing for Windows (ETW) General purpose, high speed tracing Kernel and Application events Built in to the OS Can be turned on and off on the fly Added in Windows 2000 Has since become the key instrumentation technology for windows. Provides the foundation for xperf/wpa, netmon, procmon, processesplorer, SQL XEvents, etc © 2012 Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Confidential
ETW Architecture Four main components --Event Provider --logical entity the writes events to ETW Sessions --Controller --Starts and Stops ETW Sessions --Consumer --application that reads trace files or listens for realtime events --Tracing Session --buffering and logging of events © 2012 Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Confidential
Xperf Overview Consists of a controller and a consumer Xperf – trace controller Xperfviewer – consumer - reads etl traces Moving away from Xperf to WPA and WPR Windows Performance Recorder (WPR) for collecting traces Windows Performance Analyzer (WPA) for view traces Very similar to xperf/xperfviewer but with UI enhancements Part of the Windows Performance ToolKit Downloaded as part of the Windows SDK Can install just the Windows Performance Toolkit to get Xperf binaries © 2012 Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Confidential
When to use xperf? Kernel and application level tracing. Provides end to end tracing. Can capture both kernel flags and application providers at the same time High CPU CPU Sampling Stackwalk can show thread stack of high cpu consumers Slow IO MiniFilter tracing Device Driver tracing (storport tracing requires a hotfix in Windows pre-2012) Memory leak Can track memory allocations Can track Handle allocations (starting in Windows 8/Windows Server 2012)
Windows IO Stack or or NIC NIC iSCSI HBA iSCSI HBA FC HBA FC HBA Application Port driver iSCSIprt.sys I/O Subsystem NIC NIC File System NTFS.sys or Software Initiator MSiSCSI.sys or iSCSI HBA Volume Snapshot VOLSNAP.sys Multi-path MPIO.sys iSCSI HBA Port driver Storport.sys Volume Manager DMIO.sys Miniport Vendor specific FC HBA Cluster Clusdisk.sys FC HBA Time measured by Performance Monitor counters such as Avg. Disk Sec/read includes the time spent in these drivers Class driver DISK.sys diskperf.sys
Xperf Gotcha’s Windows 8 SDK shows it requires .NET Framework 4.5 Only necessary for other component and is not required for the Windows Performance Toolkit DisablePagingExecutive Regkey must be enabled to allow for proper Stackwalk information Trace files can get large quickly Precise tracing necessary Use circular files Lost Events If the target drive for the etl logs is not fast enough events can be lost. Increase memory buffer to reduce lost events Whenever possible, test your xperf cmd before running in production
Xperf Commands Xperf –providers KF --lists kernel flags available Xperf –providers KG --lists kernel groups available Xperf –on <KF or KG> -stackwalk <KF> -MaxBuffers <##> -BufferSize <KB> -file circular --start an xperf trace Xperf –d <filename> --stop an xperf trace
Xperf Commands – Detailed High CPU Issues: xperf.exe –on Latency –stackWalk Profile CPU with Wait Analysis: Xperf -on Latency+DISPATCHER –stackWalk CSwitch+ReadyThread+ThreadCreate+Profile Disk Issues with Mini-Filter tracing xperf -on PROC_THREAD+LOADER+CSWITCH+FILENAME+FILE_IO+FILE_IO_INIT+DR IVERS+ FLT_IO_INIT+FLT_IO+FLT_FASTIO+FLT_IO_FAILURE -f kernel.etl -stackwalk CSwitch+DiskReadInit+DiskWriteInit+DiskFlushInit+FileCreate+FileCleanup +FileClose+FileRead+FileWrite+MiniFilterPreOpInit+MiniFilterPostOpInit
Xperf Demo © 2012 Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Confidential SQL IO --usbdrive.etl --Open sqldiag --pick out 15 sec error message --start with FILEIO graphs --reorder to process on left --duration, size, filename, offset on the right --order by duration --convert error message offset to decimal --sort by offset and find decimal value. --Point out all we can see event type, size of IO, time of IO, flags, etc New Window --Device IO --Sort by duration --Zoom in and cut off the very end (bad data) --Show how one driver passes to another. --looking for big drops --left should have module, process --show sql server and times spent in ntfs.sys --show how it is compressed.ndf --FILEIO split into smaller IO’s by ntfs. Not a 1:1 mapping --show storeport.sys --not a disk issue New windows --Mini Filter delay by process --sort by duration. --add process --mpfilter.sys = forefront endpoint protection --show total time of 31 sec matches diff between filtermgr.sys and ntfs.sys High CPU: --Sqlhighcpu.etl --show lining up symbols --dig into CPU Sampling graph --follow the cpu time (parallel, sort, hash) © 2012 Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Confidential
SQL PFE Blog SQL PFE Team Blog General Xperf and looking at SQL CPU: g-sql-server-high-cpu-usage-using-xperf.aspx Xperf and SQL IO: cause-of-sql-server-io-bottleneck-using-xperf.aspx
Premier Field Engineer (317) 319-4943 Contact Joe McTaggart Premier Field Engineer (317) 319-4943 © 2012 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Windows, Windows Vista and other product names are or may be registered trademarks and/or trademarks in the U.S. and/or other countries. The information herein is for informational purposes only and represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation as of the date of this presentation. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information provided after the date of this presentation. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION © 2012 Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Confidential