How to Get More Out of Your Duplication Business Solutions Roundtable How to Get More Out of Your Duplication Business MediaTech 2005 Las Vegas, NV (Theme from2001 space odyssey) “The power behind the U.S. Economy is it’s creative class - Scientists, Artists, Engineers, Technologist & designers to name a few. Tolerance & openness form a critical element in a given place’s ability to attract different kinds of people and generate fresh new ideas.” – This is a recent quote from someone in the U.S. probably a dude from California, perhaps even Silicon Valley. As our society has evolved, so has the means by which people have communicated their message. From grunts & groans to drums to smoke signals, papyrus, paper, radio, TV, satellite, punch cards, teletype, short wave, word processors, PC’s, PDA’s, Internet! Where does it end? Certainly with CD’s. One thing is constant however. That is change. People are constantly striving for the next best thing and when it comes to business that next best thing can mean finding your fortune or, if not, being left out in the cold. Digital media is garnering more and more attention as a choice for communicating a message and rightfully so. It’s compact, portable, high capacity, cost effective and has terrific impact when it comes to grabbing attention. So sit back and see who and why people are choosing this medium more often!
Olaf Wadehn Olaf is Executive Vice President of SRT, a New York City based duplicator He has had a 12 year background in operations management, IT and business development, in the media manufacturing industry. SRT services include CD/DVD duplicating along with multimedia content development & delivery, using Flash and PDF for CD’s and DVD authoring for DVD Video.
Obvious Answers Include Make better use of existing infrastructure Generate revenues from new sources Reduce profit erosion 3 Core Sectors of Any Business Operations Sales Finance Historically most of us have been working at duplication for many years and as such we have seen an evolution and maturing of the industries capabilities and along with that has come the increasing demands which customers have placed upon us. From diskettes, to CD’s to DVD’s one thing has remained constant.. We have been providing the tools and vehicles for our clients to handle part or all of their business and now we have the opportunity to provide another very valuable tool, which will assist them in marketing themselves. By utilizing existing infrastructure and adding in some simple content creation ability we may further serve our clients’ needs and approach new markets, thereby increasing revenues and profitability, which has constantly been eroded by downward price pressures of the commoditization of our industry .
Common Efficiency Focuses Operations Throughput (Units per Hour) Quality (Get it right the first time) Employee Relations (Staff Incentives) Workflow Efficiency (Order Entry - Product Handling) Finance Purchasing (Getting better pricing from Vendors) Managing Staffing (Overtime vs. Part time labor) Reduce Overheads Cash Flow ( Invoice Factoring etc.)
Let’s Focus On Sales Efficiencies BUT FIRST! Reasons for New Business Development Need to Grow Need to Replace Lost Customers Need to Stay Competitive in the Marketplace SRT decided to add Multimedia Services to our Service Offerings WHY? Our Customers Asked for It It Compliments our Existing Duplication Business It Moved us “Upstream” in the Sales Process It Gives us a Competitive Advantage
If You Build It They Will Come Great But Now What ? If You Build It They Will Come Not Without Sales Not Without Marketing Not Without a Plan The Problem We Were Not Known for Selling Multimedia Our Sales Staff Was Not Knowledgeable Selling the New Service Offerings Sales Cycles Were Too Long.
The Solution – Sales Training Why? Reasons for Sales Training Gives the Sales Staff Better Selling Skills Gives the Sales Staff a Better Product Knowledge Base Helps Identify Each Person’s Strengths and Weaknesses Helps Sales Staff and SRT Achieve Sales Goals More Quickly Helps SRT stay in touch with Subtle Changes in the Marketplace
Training Overview Selling is Much Like An Algebraic Equation Both Sides Have Known and Unknown Information Both Sides Must Balance Before You Have a Valid Solution The Selling Equation is: The Sales Associate + SRT Solutions = The Prospect + Their Needs/Problems Both Sides of the Selling Equation are Balanced When The Sales Associate and (+) the Prospect have (=) Rapport and Share Information The SRT Solutions match (+) the Prospects needs/problems Resulting In (=) Improved Results and Increased Revenue
The Six Steps of The Sale Step 1 – Build Business Rapport Step 2 – Set Agenda Step 3 – Present Company Overview Step 4 – Probe For Needs Step 5 – Present Solutions Step 6 – Close the Call
Why The Six Steps (1) The six steps help you determine were you are in the sales process and where you need to go next. For example: Presenting solutions before probing to uncover a prospects needs is inappropriate. You would not know if your solutions relate to the needs of the prospect. Presenting Solutions that do not relate to the prospects needs will not build trust or rapport.
Why The Six Steps (2) The steps help you assess strengths and weaknesses For example: Many sales people are good at developing rapport but have difficulty asking a prospect for commitment. . Understanding that you must be competent in all six steps can help you use your strengths better and plan ways to improve your development needs.
Why The Six Steps(3) The Steps help you understand what information the prospect needs to know about your products, services and solutions before they can make an informed decision. For example: The prospect may be asking: Who is this company (overview)? Where is the relationship going (agenda)? What does this company know about my business (probing)? How can this company help me (solutions)? What do we need to begin the relationship (commitment)?
Achieved Objectives A Better SRT Shorter Sell Times Higher Sales Conversion Rates Better Customer Loyalty\Relationships Better Quality End Products Higher Profit Margins All of which has led to: A Better SRT