3.00: Modern American Plated Service Culinary Arts I 3.00: Modern American Plated Service
Utensils Used In Place Settings Place settings are also often referred to as the cover. A fork, knife, and spoon are considered the utensils needed for the most basic place setting.
The knife (10), spoon (11), and soup spoon (12) should be to the right of the plate (1), and the blade of the knife should be facing inward.
The dinner (6) and salad (5) forks should be to the left of the plate. The salad fork is smaller and placed furthest left in the pace setting
The dessert fork (9) or spoon (8) should be placed above the dinner plate.
Flatware Used In Place Settings All flatware and plates should be placed one inch away from the edge of the table. Salad bowls are placed on the left of the plate. Luncheon plates are typically smaller than dinner plates.
Glasses in Place Settings The following should go above the tip of the knife on the right side of a place setting. Iced tea glass Water glass Wine glass Coffee cup should be beside spoon.
Fabrics used in Place Settings The napkin is located on the left of the place setting next to the fork. A silence cloth, also called a pad, is put on a table under the table cloth to protect it and prevent the noisy clatter of dishes (similar to place mats).
Modern American Plate Settings How do you serve drinks? Stand on the right side of the person with your right foot forward give the person their drink or soup with your right hand; going clockwise around the table. How do you serve solids? Stand on the left side of the person with your left foot forward, give the person their plate with your left hand; going counterclockwise around the table. NEVER auction off food: “Who had the ribeye?” You need to know before you get to the table.
Clearing Place Settings All dishes for one course should be cleared for one guest before moving onto the next. Clearing of plates takes place the opposite of how you serve. Think about how these styles are meant to utilize the strongest parts of your body. Examples: Solids: You clear from the right with your right hand. Liquids: You clear from the left with your left hand
What if….? What if the guest uses the wrong utensil for their course, such as a dinner fork instead of the salad fork? Clear the dinner fork and bring another to the table with their meal. What if I can’t tell when a guest is done with their food? Ask if you may take the plate. NEVER ask “Are you still working on that?” What if the guest isn’t sure what to get? Suggest the daily special What if you aren’t sure what a guest ordered? Ask the guest to repeat their order and then repeat it back to them. What if the guest is not satisfied by their meal? Simply say “I am sorry you are disappointed.”
Types of Menus Most fine dining establishments feature a menu called table d’hote. This menu features everything from appetizers to desserts for one set price. This allows a chef more creativity and control over a perfect culinary experience. Many fast food restaurants offer what are called a la carte menus – where each item (appetizer, main dish, side, dessert, and drink) is priced separately. This allows the customer more control and flexibility in what they eat and order.
As a Customer…. You should always try to leave a tip (even if the service is poor). 10% for poor service 15% for good service 20 % for superior service If you can’t afford a tip, you should not go out to eat. Base your tip on the bill before tax.