Spring term 2016 Miss Lewins
Life in Reception...
The SEVEN Areas of Learning Personal, Social and Emotional Development Communication and Language Literacy Mathematics Expressive and Creative Arts Physical Development Understanding of the World
Three spring Term Topic 2016 Traditional stories (The Three Little Pigs, The Three Billy Goats Gruff and Goldilocks and the Three Bears) Stories chosen by the children that are linked to the topic, e.g about wolves
Personal, Social & Emotional Development Self esteem – I can… Communication – talk, talk, talk! Perseverance – have a go…and keep trying! Independence – coat fastening Hygiene – germ killer Relationships – falling out and making up
Communication & Language Speaking and listening Role play – story voices Linking sounds to letters in the environment Talking – my turn/your turn, popcorn Discussing likes/dislikes – having oppinions Identifying good/bad characters in a story Comparing different versions of the same story
literacy Phonics groups Flash cards Sentence maker Ditties/reading books Writing for a purpose: building a sentence, real writing Structure of stories Pie Corbett – cold task, model text, innovation, hot task
Mathematical Development Counting and ordering numbers to 20 or beyond Time – day and date, daily calendar, yesterday, today, tomorrow Recognising and writing numerals Sorting materials e.g bricks, sticks, straw – block graphs Repeating patterns Shapes in the environment – looking at the shapes on houses Mathematical vocabulary – more/less/fewer Problem solving – addition/subtraction
EXPRESSIVE AND CREATIVE ARTS Exploring a range of media, e.g. Tissue paper pig collage, observational paintings, clay/dough models, role play Music to accompany stories Making 3d models (houses) Singing songs Drama – acting out stories Using instruments - Boomwhackers
Physical Development Dough disco Letter formation - correct Gymnastics with Mr Hodgson Games skills – ball control, kicking, throwing, catching Acting out stories, dramatically indoors and out Pencil & scissor control
Understanding of the World Developing a sense of time – ordering events including story sequencing, daily routine Materials – straw/sticks/bricks, sorting materials, identifying uses for them e.g glass, fabric Construction & model making Using ICT (Class 360 JIT, Word Processing) Different types of houses and buildings
PHSE PHSE: Personal, Social and Health Education Circle time – keeping safe, stranger danger Dansi – puppet Supports Foundation Stage Curriculum learning goals.
Outdoor Learning Cooking on the camp fire – porridge – links to Goldilocks Acting out stories – 3 Little Pigs Numeracy trails Sound hunts (phonics) Walks in the local area/Berwick
“Am I doing better than I was before?” Parent Support Reading at home Talk, talk, talk!!! Time (story) Positive attitude – focus on the positive aspects of school “Am I doing better than I was before?”
House keeping… Labelling – everything! Reading folders/homework folders including books and flashcards– need to be in school every day. Reading diary – our main link with you! Please write in it each time you hear your child read INDEPENDENCE
Diary Dates Burns Lunch – Friday 30th January Celebration of Learning Assembly – Friday 12th Feb 9am (y3 cup) Easter egg decorating comp – 18th March Celebration of Learning Assembly – Monday 21st March 9am ‘Spring Thing’ concert Wednesday 23rd March – 2pm Tweedmouth Church Toy Fair – Thursday 24th March p.m. (School closes at 2pm)
Any questions? (Thank you for coming!)