Alliance AmeriCorps VISTA Program Orientation Welcome, we have lunch! Welcome!
VISTA Elevator Speech Talk to your neighbors, introduce yourself to those you don’t know. Use the form above to introduce yourself. EXAMPLE: My name is Sam Hartzell and I am an AmeriCorps VISTA Leader serving at and hosted by Minnesota Alliance With Youth. As VISTA Leader, I build capacity within my organization to close the opportunity and achievement gaps in Minnesota by supporting 12 VISTA members in partner organizations. I provide relevant trainings, professional development opportunities, and support each VISTA with their unique member needs.
Today’s Agenda Welcome & Life in a Bag Introduction to Alliance Logistics (collect fingerprints) Professional Development Opportunities State of Educational Equity in Minnesota Closing & Announcements Optional Cohort Outing to Urban Growler Hello everyone, welcome to our first cohort day. Today is a relaxed overview etc, please participate and add in your own expertise.
Life In a Bag Name, service site, & preferred pronouns. Introduce yourself using the 4-5 items you brought in your bag. What are you most looking forward to this year? Three minutes at most per person.
2017/18 VISTA Host Sites Have everyone introduce their site and if they have experience with VISTA, any burning questions?
Minnesota Alliance With Youth Mission Minnesota Alliance With Youth works to ignite the spark in all young people in Minnesota to become actively engaged, develop strong voices, and acquire skills needed for success in school, work, and life.
Alliance Initiatives
Intermediary customization option: Describe the number of sites, VISTAs, and leaders for your project overall The Corporation for National and Community Service, or CNCS, improves lives, strengthens communities and fosters civic engagement through service and volunteering. VISTA is a program of CNCS and each state has a CNCS State Office to support your project’s success. This graphic illustrates how single-site projects and projects with multiple sites may be structured.
CNCS State Office David Kreft, VISTA State Office Contact info: 612-607-7803 Develops, manages and monitors VISTA programs Supports supervision of the VISTAs and intervenes in emergencies or difficult situations Connects VISTA sites to resources and offers technical assistance Monitors compliance for the project CNCS State Office staff help develop, manage and monitor VISTA programs in their state and often in other states for large & national projects. Staff support your supervision of the VISTAs and intervene in emergencies or difficult situations. Staff are also responsible for connecting you to the resources most appropriate to meet your needs. The CNCS State Office can schedule a conference call or webinar to bring members from multiple sites together for meetings The CNCS State Office can also set up conference calls so VISTA members can talk about issues without supervisors present
Training Calendar Monthly trainings alternate between community learning sessions and professional development topics. Training dates are set, but many of the topics are open for suggestions! Expect 2 Host Site Visits (Fall and Spring) for you and your supervisor to share with us how things are going. If you think of something you want to learn about or a topic you want to lead, let us know!
VISTA Resource Pages MN Alliance With Youth: This is where to find training calendar and training materials online Training materials will be posted in 2. after cohort days. VISTA Member Handbook and MN VISTA Living Guide are in 3.
VISTA Resource Pages
Benefits and Opportunities Healthcare Allowance or Benefit Plan Qualified Student Loan Forbearance SNAP, MNSure, MN EAP Qualified Childcare Assistance Education Award Non-Competitive Eligibility Status What questions do you have about applying for benefits? What is one trick/tip that you know about when applying for benefits?
My AmeriCorps Navigation Find payment history Create Forbearance Request For members who just have just completed AmeriCorps Service term VISTA Currently Serving Certification VISTA Social Security Income Disregard VISTA Public Benefits Disregard
VISTA Reporting Great Stories and Challenges are due the last day of every month starting in September. Describe a highlight from the last month that demonstrates your capacity building efforts related to your VAD. Describe a challenge you have faced in your service during the past month. Track Days-off and Sick Day use Quarterly Reports will be due in October, January, April and July. We will train on this in September!
Performance Measures Capacity Building Goals VISTAs will track the number of organizations that received capacity building services as a result of their work. VISTAs will track the number of additional activities completed and/or program outputs as a result of their service. To learn more about AmeriCorps VISTA performance measures visit:
Performance Measures Anti- Poverty Goals VISTAs will track the number of students who completed a VISTA supported education program. VISTAs will track the number of students who completed a VISTA supported education program AND demonstrated improved academic engagement To learn more about AmeriCorps VISTA performance measures visit:
VISTA Rules Prohibited Service Activities: Replace the duties of an existing staff member Perform political or religious advocacy Manage or apply for CNCS grants or sub-grants
Smart Goals and Professional Development Plan A well-defined professional goal is SMART: Specific Measurable Attainable Relevant Timeframed Example of SMART goal framework I will accomplish ____________ by <Month>. I will measure its successful achievement by ________________. Its accomplishment will benefit the organization by ___________.
Smart Goals and Professional Development Plan Develop 2-4 SMART goals that align with your service as a VISTA or topics you wish to learn. Possible skill areas could include; Professional skills, Anti-Poverty Skills, Life After AmeriCorps, etc. Work with your Site Supervisor to agree on the goals and identify what they and others can do to support you. Email or Fax (651-528-8588) your completed, signed Professional Development Plan to Sam by Friday, August 18th. Check in with your Site Supervisor and VISTA Leader about progress on your goals throughout the year.
Professional Development Opportunities Congrats, have everyone introduce themselves and their site and if they have experience with VISTA, any burning questions?
Closing & Announcements Thursday, August 10th: MCN Nonprofits Essentials Conference One on One meetings with Sam in coming weeks Still recruiting for Promise Fellows and Minnesota Youth Council Members! Next Alliance VISTA Cohort Meeting is Monday, September 11th 12:30 – 4:30pm