IPC D-64A Task Group Monday, March 16, 2016 Las Vegas Convention Center Las Vegas, NV.
Printed Electronics Terms and Definitions for additive processes Welcome to D-64A IPC 6093 Printed Electronics Terms and Definitions for additive processes
Please introduce yourselves Introductions: Please introduce yourselves Name Company and position What is your expectation of this group/meeting? Looking for a volunteer to take meeting minutes.
Agenda Project History: IPC-6093 was submitted for ballot 10-01-2015 and approved for publication. 8 voted to approve 0 negative votes 2 abstained without comment
Review of Minutes and Actions from Fall 2015: Plan is to submit the standard to T-50 following APEX. The group wants to give the document some time as a published standard to see if there is any feedback for modifications. All other PE committees will work with this task group if they need terms industry-approved while they are developing their standard. Unless there is any feedback from industry following release of the standard, the next meeting will be at APEX Plan is to submit the standard to T-50 following APEX. The group wants to give the document some time as a published standard to see if there is any feedback for modifications.
Goals and Objectives A new pin has been created to revise IPC 6093 Additional terms have been imported from the following Documents: (T-50, IPC 2291, IPC 4591, IPC 6091) Our objective is to review and determine if these terms are applicable to Printed Electronics, modify them as needed and/or resolve conflicts in terminology as required. Develop new terminology as required to support the efforts of D61, D62, D63, D64 and D65. Submit work for adoption by the T-50 standards committee.
Antitrust Statement There should never be a discussion of the following at IPC meetings: Price or any elements of price or pricing policies, including costs, discounts, etc. Sales or production quotas, territories, allocations, boycotts or market shares. Identified individual company statistics, inventories or merchandising methods. Particular competitors or customers. Commercial liabilities, warranties, guarantees or the particular terms and conditions of sales, including credit, shipping and transportation arrangements. Anything dealing with "arm-twisting," trade abuses or excluding or controlling competition.
Principles of Standardization In May 1995 the IPC’s Technical Activities Executive Committee (TAEC) adopted Principles of Standardization as a guiding principle of IPC’s standardization efforts. Standards Should: Show relationship to Design for Manufacturability(DFM) and Design for the Environment (DFE) Minimize time to market Contain simple (simplified) language Just include spec information Focus on end product performance Include a feedback system on use and problems for future improvement Standards Should Not: Inhibit innovation Increase time-to-market Keep people out Increase cycle time Tell you how to make something Contain anything that cannot be defended with data
Call To order First motion Any objections All in favor
Move to working document Switch to working document in Word for presentation of new terms which will be ranked as follows: 6093 terms which have an alternative definition(s) or a conflict(s) with (T-50, IPC 2291, IPC 4591, IPC 6091) New definitions we may need to incorporate from, or modify from, (T-50, IPC 2291, IPC 4591, IPC 6091) Definitions that only exist in 6903 at the bottom as these were recently approved and published.
Review Comments and Action Items All actions and comments are documented in word file name: “6093A working draft – March 2016 3 13 16 meeting notes defined by A and K. See notes A2 through A6 See notes K9 through K22 Only 50% complete need to schedule monthly online meeting Action Items Schedule a monthly meeting to finalize group comments and complete review of 6093 working draft. Start 4-06-2016 at 10-11 am Central Repeat interval 1st Wednesday of every month.