Welcome back to school for the Summer term. We have lots of work to get through – but we are very excited about getting ready for the next stage of our learning journey. We look forward to lots of learning and fun with our friends at school!
We love looking at books in 1O We love looking at books in 1O. This term we are learning about the story ‘The Three Little Pigs’. It is also good to read every day and would appreciate it if you could read and look at books with your children at home.
In Maths this half term we are working on number recognition and counting to teen numbers. We will be using Numicon and we will be covering lots of working around money. We will be using pennies and symbols to buy items. We will also be learning about capacity when exploring the sand and water.
In science we are going to have lots of fun learning about Pushing and Pulling. We will be doing lots experiments to help children develop this knowledge.
Look at books together and ask questions about the pictures. Use counting in everyday situations and begin to use pennies to buy items if possible.
We will also be enjoy music lessons with Mr Mann. This term we will be working with Nature Den during our Outdoor Learning lesson. We will also be enjoy music lessons with Mr Mann.
This term we will be taking part in two educational visits. We will be visiting Asda to purchase items and to identify ICT in the community. We will alos be visiting Haigh Hall to explore a variety of forces as we use pushing and pulling on the play equipment.
Key Stage 1 Planning Overview Class 1O Date 15th April 2016 Maths Capacity Number Systems Science Forces Experiments to include Pushes, Pulls and twists RE Judaism Topic Jurassic Forest Dinosaurs, Trees and landscapes PE Swimming, Yoga & Ball Games Literacy Traditional Tales The Three Little Pigs PHSE Relationships Art Spring art Jurassic art Food Tech Making a variety of sweet and savory scones