Year 1: Has my street always looked like this??


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Presentation transcript:

Year 1: Has my street always looked like this?? NC – links: History Can I recognise similarities and differences between now and the past? Can I ask questions about the past? Can they put up to three objects in chronological order (recent history)? Can they use words and phrases like: old, new and a long time ago? Can they use role play to act out stories from the past? Do they know that some objects belonged to the past? Can I describe an artefact? Can I tell you ways of finding out about the past? WOW: Creating our own old toys out of natural materials. LC1 Who were the three little pigs? LC2 How can we recreate our own Bridle Road? LC3 What would the inside of a house looked like a long time ago? LC4 What were toys like before plastic was invented? Wow: We are excited about having our very own Toy Sale selling toys we will make by hand from natural materials. Visit to the Croydon Museum. Numeracy Link: Children will begin to learn life skills such as mapping, direction and position. This will be done using a range of ICT programmes. Art Link: Children will use a range of materials to create our very own Bridle Road focusing on the features of our locality. Literacy Link: Children will use role play and stories to delve into worlds of the past and fantasy worlds of Toys. The three little pigs The Velveteen Rabbit Lost toys Forest Academy

Has my street always looked like this?? Year : Geography Science D&T / ART Can I follow directions? E.g. Up down left right. North, South East West Can I follow a route? Can I draw a route showing features? Can I make a map of a real place? Can I make a map of a made up place? Can I create key for symbols on my map? Can I collect information using a tally chart? Can I look at aerial photographs to identify features? Can I answer a question by testing. Can I think of a question to answer. Can I examine objects – which are flexible, water proof etc. Can I conduct a simple test. Can I tell you why I am doing this experiment Can I tell you the key findings we found out. Can I collect data with support. Can I use my answers to group objects and explain why e.g. Waterproof, strong etc, Can I correctly identify the object and the materials? Can I identify and name a range of materials? Can I describe a range of properties of materials? Can I compare two materials? Can I sort materials? Can I tell somebody about my ideas? Make a mock design and discuss it Create a drawing of the design Use paint to design the puppet or a computer programme Printing Can they print with sponges, vegetables and fruit? Can they print onto paper and textile? Can they design their own printing block? Can they create a repeating pattern? 3D Can they add texture by using tools? Can they make different kinds of shapes? Can they cut, roll and coil materials such as clay, dough or plasticine? Year (Challenging) Can they name key features associated with a town or village, eg, factory, detached house, semi-detached house, terrace house? Forest Academy

Has my street always looked like this? LC1: Can we make a fairy-tale map for the Three Little Pigs? LC2:How can we recreate our own Bridle Road? Children will follow routes given by the teachers using bee bots and small fairy-tale setting maps. We will use the outdoor area and a range of ICT programmes to develop our understanding of position and direction. Children will make a map of the three little pigs hometown and have a key for the symbols used. Children will create their own dens outside to rein act the story of the three little pigs. We will also create our own houses for the three little pigs. Children will begin to explore the story of the Three little pigs through drama and role play in preparation for writing the story the following week. Children will go on a walk around the local area and adults will take pictures of the features they see. Children will make a tally chart on the features they see on their local walk. Children will create their own maps of the local area using key symbols on their map. Children will create their own version of Bridle Road using modelling clay. Children will use google maps aerial photographs to identify features we saw on our walk. Children will write the story of the three little pigs and be filmed reading parts of their story aloud. LC3: What would the inside of a house look like a long time ago? ( 2 Weeks) LC4: What were toys like before plastic was invented? (2 Weeks) Children will go on a trip to a Museum to explore objects from the past. Using the Geffrye Museum artefacts online; children will look at similarities and differences between objects then and now. Children will describe artefacts they saw at the museum and put up to three objects in chronological order (toys or home objects) using phrases like: old, new and a long time ago to explain their order. Children will use the role play area to act out life in the past. Children will use printing techniques to explore different types of houses e.g. semi-detached, detached, flats, bungalows etc. Children will read and act out stories from the past such as The Velveteen Rabbit, Lost Toy Museum and sequence the story in order to prepare them for writing the story next week. In the first week children will begin to identify, name and sort materials / toys by going on a material hunt. Children will explore materials to answer questions such as – Which materials are strong enough to survive? (Water, strength, weight, flexibility) In the second part, children will design their own old toys part of a Forest School activity such as spinners, yoyos, puppets. Children will describe artefacts of toys and pictures. They will use these artefacts to write a report on Games and Toys from the past using paragraphs, photographs, labels, and diagrams. Children will refer to materials, how the objects were used in the past and what we have today instead. Children will use phrases like old, new and a long time ago. Forest Academy