Personal, Social & Emotional Development Physical Development Thinking about feelings. How would the pig/wolf be feeling in the different circumstances? How do the pigs feel? How does the wolf feel? Stranger Danger Physical Development Three Little Pigs Dance Large construction building constructions. Fine motor skills building constructions. Obstacle Courses for the wolf to chase the pigs. Circle and parachute games. Communication & Language Literacy Traditional Tales Bingo Act out story using story sack, role play, puppets. Story Maps and story retelling Hot Seating Write postcards from the pigs to their mum. List writing for building materials. Estate Agents Adverts Story telling using Pie Corbett Wanted Poster for the Wolf Research about pigs and wolves. Alternative Story of Three Pigs Mathematics Different size pigs to put in right order. Measure and order by size. Comparing sizes of objects. Sequencing numbers 0 – 10. Use ordinal number;1st, 2nd, 3rd etc. Match pairs of numbers (0-20) to objects. Act out Real Maths Stories. Copy Maths Stories with whole numbers. Compare heights – short and tall / shorter than / taller than. Share up to 15 objects equally. Use scales to weigh objects. Use vocabulary heavy / light / heavier / lighter / heaviest / lightest. Understanding the World RE – The wise man and foolish man – tell the story – sequence the story and compare to Three Pigs story. Investigate which material makes the strongest house (straw, sticks, lego) and why. Are houses waterproof? Are houses stable? Use hairdryers to blow houses down – experiment which is strongest material. Properties of materials and sorting materials – natural and manmade. Find out about pigs and wolves. Hot and cold water – observe the differences. Expressive Arts & Design Pig Masks Building houses in outdoor area using different materials. Making Three Pig houses – lollipop sticks, spaghetti, and red squares. Cotton Bud Pigs. Pig Cakes Three Pigs Sensory Table in sand tray. Finger Pig Puppets using rubber gloves.