Andy Warhol & ‘Pop Art’ (1960s)
Postmodern architecture: Ontario College of Art and Design, Toronto
Royal Ontario Museum (ROM) Another example: Royal Ontario Museum (ROM)
“It is safest to grasp the concept of the postmodern as an attempt to think the present historically in an age that has forgotten how to think historically in the first place.” – Fredric Jameson, Postmodernism, ix
Other Concepts of the Postmodern Fredric Jameson A new depthlessness The waning of affect Blank parody Hysterical/camp sublime Jean Baudrillard Hyperreality Simulacra and Simulation Jean-François Lyotard incredulity toward meta-narratives postmodern sublime David Harvey Time—space compression
Some Versions of Postmodern Sublime
Three Mile Island – Nuclear Meltdown 1979
The emptiness, the sense of cosmic darkness. Mastercard, Visa, American Express.