Environmental Art How are the visual and performing arts working to bring awareness and change to our environment? For my community research project I decided to explore the relationship between Art and the sustainability movement. I was curious as to how artists were addressing sustainability, through what mediums, why artists wished to address environmental issues, and who the artists were addressing as an audience. What I found was an enormous and diverse field full of artists and scientists who had many different goals.
Definition Environmental Art is “art that helps improve our relationship with the natural world.” Purpose To inform and interpret natural processes or issues in the environment To utilize natural materials and forces To describe or envision our relationship with nature To restore and reclaim environments in an aesthetic way. Throughout my research, the definition of environmental art that I thought represented the field best is taken from Greenmuseum,org, a website dedicated to “Green Art,” much of which cannot be displayed in a traditional museum. The author of this definition followed with clarification that there is no definition for environmental art that can be set in stone, as it is a modern movement which is growing and molding every moment. Also, because the topic is artistic, its is up to the interpretation of the artist, the intended audience, and the viewer of the artwork, independently to define what is meant my environmental art. The Purpose of Environmental is also up to the interpretation of the artist creating the work, and the viewer’s interpretation. There are several different sub-topics under “environmental art” that each have a specific purpose, medium, or audience in mind.
Environmental Art is… Performance Acoustic Ecology Site Specific Art Nature Art Art in Nature Performance Acoustic Ecology Site Specific Art Eco-art technology Ecological Art Crop Art Land Art Earth Art Earthworks Ecoventions These are some of the names that have been used to describe “Environmental Art” and most certainly not an exhaustive list. New names and forms of environmental art are being created and discovered every day. Green Activism Art Bio-art Documentary Projects
Sustainable Art vs. Ecological Art Art that is created while being considerate to the relationship that it has with its environments and the worldly impact of the work. Art which deals with ecological issues or nature. And incorporates environmentally healthy methods. It is very important to define some of the many categories that are under the umbrella term “Environmental Art.” There are many intertwined terms that fit under this larger topic, all dealing with different forms of visual media and a shared interest in the environment and nature. Some environmental artists simply use materials found in nature to celebrate their connection with the earth, while others have activist concerns. Sustainable art is a term specific to art that is sustainable in its creation and maintenance over time. Although this art brings attention to sustainability, it is not necessary for the work to address any sort of environmental issue or have any relation to nature. This is where sustainable art and ecological art overlap. Sustainable art does not have to address the environment or nature, but must be sustainable. Environmental art is just the opposite, it must address ecological issues or nature, but does not have to be sustainable. As a result, the majority of environmental art can fit under both of these sub-topics. I also feel the it is important to include another sub-topic: art in nature. This art often brings attention to the environment but the purpose of most “art in nature” or “land art” is aesthetics, not activism or to bring attention to any one issue. Another Category of note: “Art in Nature” and “Land Art” utilize natural materials and usually display the artwork in its natural setting, but are less focused on ecological activism.
Sustainable Art “It is perfectly possible for contemporary art to be sustainable without having a direct political or environmental message, as long as it meets the requirements of not damaging the environment and not being exploitative.” Andy Goldsworthy is a great example of both Sustainable Art and Art in Nature. He creates his work out of 100% natural found materials, and simply to explore his passion for nature in an aesthetic manner. Artists who create Sustainable art are often targeting issues of sustainability and other environmental issues. However, many are not, which goes to show that although not all artists are attempting to bring awareness and activism to ecological problems, artists can still live and work sustainably by creating art that is an example of sustainability. This is extremely important and valuable to the sustainability movement, as it shows that we can all think creatively to live a more sustainable lifestyle. Andy Goldsworthy is a British artist who creates sculpture out of natural and found objects. His sculptures are often site-specific and may be temporary. His materials range from branches to stone walls and arches, ice, flowers, and mud. He does not create his sculptures to send any message about ecological issues or activism, yet his artwork is sustainable itself.
Here are some more examples of Andy Goldsworthy’s work Here are some more examples of Andy Goldsworthy’s work. An ice sculpture, cracked pebbles, autumn leaves, and a branch sculpture.
Ecological Art and Activism Justin Gignac uses his art to bring attention to the issue of excess trash in New York City. He sells cubes of trash molded artistically to bring attention to the problem and motivate people to change their wasteful and littering habits. Justin Gignac is an artist who is actively bringing attention to a growing issue in our consumer based world: Littering. New York City is covered in waste, and this artist decided not only to take this waste and turn it into art, but also to create pieces that everyday people can afford to purchase and spread the message about changing out old habits of being wasteful and littering. “Own your own piece of New York, before they clean up this town”- quote found on the artist’s website
The AER Project This project is a collaboration of artists working to bring attention to the issue of air pollution, several different displays and mediums were used as part of this ongoing collaboration. The artists and scientists who collaborated on this project were faced with a challenge of bringing awareness to issues in the air, because air is intangible. This group wanted to raise attentiveness for the body’s need for clean air, and for who exactly is responsible for the cleanliness of the air that we breathe. The images above are examples from two of the several exhibits put on by the group. The Image on the left was taken of a group of sculptures symbolizing how humans are connected by the air we breathe and the environment in which we live. The image on the right is one of a collection of images created by virtually speeding up time to show what our atmosphere will look like in the future if destructive trends continue. The colors show how much energy is being consumed at a given time.
BIODANCE BIODANCE is a company based in Rochester, NY. The company performs contemporary modern dance alongside film and original music to bring awareness to human interaction with the environment and other social issues. This example of activism in ecological art is one in which I have had personal experience. The choreographer and artistic director of the company, Missy Pfohl-Smith was my dance teacher when I attended Hobart and William Smith Colleges. I had the opportunity to attend a performance that the BIODANCE company participated in and witness firsthand how the company combined dance and the human body alongside environmental issues. The piece that I saw was called EXCESS and explored the “commonplace of excess in America” and our “packrat culture.” The performers, dressed in bubble wrap, danced in front of a screen in which a film of a sea of waste pouring into a landfill played. It was a powerful message and targeted a theme that effects each of us as Americans directly.
Environmental Soundscapes This group of artists work to give nature a voice of its own by recording and composing natural sounds in hope that we may gain deeper appreciation of our planet. This is another collaborative project that combines the efforts of many artists to record natural sounds into works of art. The aim of these artists is to attempt to close the gap between the spirits of nature and of humanity, especially since the human population is spreading into and claiming the wilderness as our population grows. They also seek to increase awareness of our “acoustic impact” on nature, especially the mechanical voice that we have created.
Much is being done in the artistic community in order to: Show appreciation for the aesthetics of the natural world Bring awareness to environmental issues and problems with sustainability Create solutions to problems in our society that effect our planet. The Field of Environmental Art is so expansive that I hardly touched the surface in my presentation. It is fascinating to see all of the various ways that artists are combining their passions for their medium and for our planet. Whether it is to show a love and appreciation of the natural world or to motivate and inspire lifestyle changes in the community, artists are making a statement in the world of sustainability. In such an artistic campus, we have so many resources all around us that we can utilize to create our own environmental art. Whether it is through the student run dance company Orchesis or an exhibit in the Rockefeller center, we as students and faculty can make our own statement for change in a world that has no voice to ask for it. At SUNY Fredonia we are beginning to explore our ability to bring awareness to the sustainability movement and to actively participate in creating change in our world. Check out the Eco Art Show in the Rockefeller Center on the second floor during Earth week! The Exhibit opens Saturday April 17th.