YOUR President Student Experience JAMAL Clarke YOUR President Student Experience
ACTIVITIEs End of year Activities Ball & Awards Alumni Networks More fundraising events, like RAD Big Society Quiz, Charity Sport Tournaments. Regular Sport & Society Socials on Wednesday/ Thursday nights WAF- Increasing participation through regular tasters More training, qualifications and funding opportunities.
Alumni opportunities Allowing former members to still be involved after they have graduated and left Cornwall Having portals for regular donations and crowdfunding Having up to date contact details for alumni Toolkits on how to reach out to alumni members and keep them involved e.g Hosting Annual Events or Having them come and do a talk.
#WAF Wednesdays Each Wednesday, there will be something different, to allow students to try many different activities- all Sports and Societies welcome. We will ask you to lead a session, at least once a year, which is designed to be fun and open to all. This will create the opportunity for you to gain members, and will help towards your accreditation. We are working with the Sports Centre to gain a free/ discounted rate for their facilities, minimising the cost for clubs and participants. We are also exploring having rewards e.g a gym/ class pass, a WAF t- shirt, a loyalty card system. e.g attend 6 WAF’s got the 7th one free.
Training, qualifications & Funding If there is any training/ qualifications that you wish to undertake, you can apply to funding via the Step Up Fund. Annual Fund can help with big projects Help with crowdfunding. Fundraising / Use of Club funds can be used, if you can afford and justify this. Having qualified leaders within your group helps towards your accreditation.
SOCIETIES- BIG IDEAS TEF Project, to develop academic societies. Collaboration! Work with Course Based societies to align them more with the Course Rep system and course Try to help Falmouth Course based societies to develop and become established, considering employability and retention. Merchandise!
SPORT- Big ideas An elected FXU Sport Committee United FXU Teamwear and Kit Intramural sport expansion Varsity match with Exeter Uni (Devon) Increase opportunities for students to participate in BUCS competitions. Revise the sports bursary scheme so that more high performance athletes can benefit, and improve the way that we market it.
FXU SPORT Committee President Student Experience Sports Officer Communications Officer Participation & Inclusion Officer Intramural Officer Fundraising Officer Kit & Merchandise Secretary Socials & Events Secretary Club Committees Member s
SPORT Team WEAR FXU (CSM) Team shop: sunion/productNavList.action Option to add Initials, Committee roles. Will arrive, to your door, within 2 weeks approx There is no minimum order for clubs, or price to have a team shop. It is all free, you just need to encourage people to buy! Gives FXU & CSM Sport a stronger identity and presence. e.g Name of Club
Intramural sports Casual, recreational weekly sport leagues on campus. We now have Basketball, Badminton (Doubles)*, Netball and Football (5-a-side). Only £25 to join, and £10 per match- Per Team; *£15 joining fee and £2 a match per Double. Referees are paid £9/ hour. Get your friends and team mates involved!
FXU- Exeter Varsity Likely to be played in Exeter, as they have more facilities March 2018- to avoid clashing with BUCS, other fixtures and exams. Netball, Badminton, Men’s Hockey – Exeter & FXU have both agreed. Basketball – Exeter Quidditch – FXU Dodgeball – FXU Lacrosse Mixed – FXU Tennis – FXU Ultimate Frisbee – FXU Volleyball – FXU Cricket – FXU Surf – FXU Football CSM and FXUnion- FXU Ladies Hockey- FXU
Let me know! If you have something big coming up and you’d like my support in helping or promoting it If something good has happened If you have any ideas on how to improve something Please feel free to contact me with any queries, suggestions, or questions.